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Sun ONE Application Server 7, Update 1 Error Message Reference

Viewing Log Messages

This guide is a compilation of messages that you may encounter while running Sun ONE Application Server 7. Each message is described with the following information:

  • MessageID: Logged messages have a unique message ID. The message ID comprises of <Subsystem><4CharacterIntegerId>. For example, JMS0001, or JTS0001.
  • Severity: Messages are assigned a severity level ranging from FINEST to FATAL. However, in this document all messages with a log level less than INFO (FINEST, FINER, FINE, CONFIG, and INFO) are not listed. For a description of what these log levels mean, see Sun ONE Application Server 7, Administrator's Guide, chapter "Using Logging".
  • Description: Meaning and likely cause of the message.
  • Action: Instructions on how to address the condition that caused the message to be generated.
  • See Also: Pointer to a relevant document or guide. (However, it is specified for some messages only.)

The Sun One Application Server messages are numbered and are associated to the subsystem from which they are generated. Select the appropriate subsystem listed in the following section:

Contact Product Support

If you encounter a problem, you may contact customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

Please have the following information available prior to contacting support. This helps to ensure that our support staff can best assist you in resolving problems:

  • Description of the problem, including the situation where the problem occurs and its impact on your operation
  • Machine type, operating system version, and product version, including any patches and other software that might be affecting the problem
  • Detailed steps on the methods you have used to reproduce the problem
  • Any error logs or core dumps

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