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3. Installing SunTM ONE Application Server 7

3.1 Platforms

SunTM ONE Application Server 7 can be installed on Windows 2000 SP2+, Windows XP, Solaris 8 and 9 for SPARC platforms.

Solaris 8 users must have the Sun recommended patch cluster installed. The cluster includes the three required patches listed below. The patch cluster is available at: under "Recommended and Security Patches".

In addition, the following patch must be installed for Solaris:

109326-06 or higher
108827-26 or higher
110934 for packaged-based installation only.

These patches can be retrieved from the patchfinder page located at the following URL:

3.2 System Requirements

Be sure your system meets the following requirements before you install Sun ONE Application Server 7 on your machine:

3.3 Installation

You can install Sun ONE Application Server 7 using any of three methods:

3.4 Other Details

Detailed Installation Instructions, Release Notes, and other documentation for the Sun ONE Application Server are available at

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