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8. Troubleshooting

Error 2: NameNotFoundException from test client

Error Description

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'TestSes' Resolved:
''Unresolved:'TestSes'; remaining name 'TestSes'

When Does This Happen

After deploying the EJB JAR file, the TestClient fails.


The test client is unable to find the JNDI name of the EJB.


Check the deployment of EJB JAR file as it may have failed. To check the deployment, start the Sun ONE Application Server console, find the EJB module name from Deployments ->EJB, click on the EJB Module name, then click Deploy from the right-side window. If the JAR file is deployed properly, you will see the deployment status as true in the Sun ONE console. Go to the Monitoring tab, and click the corresponding links to see if your EJB is running.

Error 3: Exception getting the Server Instance: Verify that the Container is registered with IDE

Error Description

Exception getting the Server Instance: Verify that the Container is registered with IDE when user tries to do any deploy action on a right-click.

When Does This Happen

When a user tries to deploy the file on right-click.


In the Deployment Properties the Server Instance points to a server that has been deleted from Configure Servers


Configure the server in Configure Server. Alternately, select a server that is currently configured in Deployment Properties.

Error 4: Exception caused while choosing to debug the application

Error Description

Cannot start Java debug process VM com.sun.jdi.connect.VMStartException.

When Does This Happen

When a user tries to debug the application.


The admin server of the server instance may not be running.


During deployment, testing, or debugging the plugin expects the admin server to be running. Ensure that the admin server is running using the asadmin or startserv command while doing any of the previously stated tasks.

Additional Information

Borland JBuilder

Sun ONE Application Server 7 Developer's Guide

Sun Microsystems Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition

Sun Microsystems Enterprise JavaBeans

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