Signed Patches Administration Guide for PatchPro 2.2

How to Set Up Your Patch Management Environment After a Non-Interactive Installation or Upgrade

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Add patch management tool directories to your path.

    • For Bourne shell or Korn shell:

      # PATH=/usr/sadm/bin:/opt/SUNWppro/bin:${PATH}
      # export PATH
    • For C shell:

      machine_name# setenv PATH /usr/sadm/bin:/opt/SUNWppro/bin:${PATH}
  3. Add the patch man page directory to your man page path.

    • For Bourne shell or Korn shell:

      # MANPATH=/opt/SUNWppro/man:${MANPATH}
      # export MANPATH
    • For C shell:

      machine_name# setenv MANPATH /opt/SUNWppro/man:${MANPATH}
  4. Specify whether an Internet connection must be established by a web proxy.

    • If you do not need to use a web proxy to establish an Internet connection, you have completed the web proxy configuration process.

    • If you must use a web proxy to establish an Internet connection, run the following command:

      # pprosetup -x proxy-server:proxy-port

      where proxy-server is the host name of the web proxy, and proxy-port is the port number of the web proxy, which is 8080 by default. Notice that these values must be separated by a colon (:).

      For example, if you select as the proxy server, the pprosetup command would look like this:

      # pprosetup -x

      Obtain this information from your system administrator or from your network administrator.

  5. (Optional) Specify whether the web proxy requires authentication.

    • If the web proxy does not require authentication, you have completed the web proxy configuration process.

    • If the web proxy does require authentication, do the following:

    1. Specify the name for your web proxy.

      # pprosetup -U proxy-user-name
    2. Specify the user's password for your web proxy by adding the password to the /opt/SUNWppro/lib/.proxypw file.

      # echo proxy-user-passwd > /opt/SUNWppro/lib/.proxypw

      Keep the password safe by setting the owner, group, and permissions of this file to root, sys, and 0600, respectively.

  6. Solaris 9 only – Notify the Solaris Management Console server that the PatchPro packages are added to the system.

    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop
    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem start

After you have completed all the signed patch preparation tasks, you can begin applying signed patches to your system by using your patch management tool.

You can use the pprosetup command to change the configuration of your patch management environment. See the pprosetup(1M) man page.

Note –

Solaris 9 only – If you change your patch management environment by running pprosetup, you must restart the Solaris WBEM services before you use the smpatch command. Restarting these services causes the configuration changes take effect.