Signed Patches Administration Guide for PatchPro 2.2

How to Import the Sun Certificates With Java Tools

Verify the signed patches that you want to install against the authenticated Sun certificates.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Determine the fingerprints of your Sun Root certificate and Sun Class B certificate.

    For example, on a Solaris 8 system:

    # /usr/java1.3/bin/keytool -printcert \
    -file /etc/certs/SUNW/smirootcacert.b64
    # /usr/java1.3/bin/keytool -printcert -file /etc/certs/SUNW/smicacert.b64
  3. Verify that the output of these commands match the Sun Root and Class B certificate fingerprints displayed at this site:
  4. Change to the /etc/certs/SUNW directory.

    # cd /etc/certs/SUNW
  5. Import the Class B certificate.

    For example, on a Solaris 8 system, type:

    # /usr/java1.3/bin/keytool -import -alias smicacert \
    -file smicacert.b64 -keystore /usr/java1.3/jre/lib/security/cacerts
    Enter keystore password:  changeit
    Owner: O=Sun Microsystems Inc, CN=Sun Microsystems Inc CA (Class B)
    Issuer: CN=Sun Microsystems Inc Root CA, O=Sun Microsystems Inc, C=US
    Serial number: 1000006
    Valid from: Mon Nov 13 12:23:10 MST 2000 until: Fri Nov 13 12:23:10 MST 2009
    Certificate fingerprints:
             MD5:  B4:1F:E1:0D:80:7D:B1:AB:15:5C:78:CB:C8:8F:CE:37
             SHA1: 1E:38:11:02:F0:5D:A3:27:5C:F9:6E:B1:1F:C4:79:95:E9:6E:D6:DF
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
  6. Import the root certificate.

    # /usr/java1.3/bin/keytool -import -alias smirootcacert \
    -file smirootcacert.b64 -keystore /usr/java1.3/jre/lib/security/cacerts
    Enter keystore password:  changeit
    Owner: CN=Sun Microsystems Inc Root CA, O=Sun Microsystems Inc, C=US
    Issuer: CN=GTE CyberTrust Root, O=GTE Corporation, C=US
    Serial number: 40002ae
    Valid from: Wed Oct 16 09:45:00 MDT 2002 until: Sat Oct 16 17:59:00 MDT 2004
    Certificate fingerprints:
             MD5:  54:E3:D1:E4:79:B4:17:23:65:B4:F9:14:AD:C6:4A:FE
             SHA1: 90:F1:AB:87:AE:A0:4C:1F:AF:43:60:DE:5D:A8:0E:D8:CE:E7:06:AE
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore