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Sun ONE Integration Server B2B 3.6.2 Update 1, ECXpert Support for AS2 Messaging

Appendix A  
ECXpert’s Configuration File (ecx.ini)

AS2 processing uses configuration information from the ECXpert configuration file, ecx.ini. The AS2 plug-in installer prompts for all required information and automatically configures the parameters within the file. However, some AS2 usage profiles require that the user modify ecx.ini as a post-installation task. These are:

The AS2 section in ecx.ini is located under the [as2-server] label.

This appendix provides a description of each field in the AS2 section. Mandatory fields are identified with italics.

Table A-1  Field descriptions for the AS2 section of ecx.ini 




The name used to display this server section in the ECXpert user interface.


The port under which the RMI registry will run. The default is 9099. It can be changed if the port is already bound to another process or if you want to select a different port.


The name under which the inbound server's remote object reference will be bound in the RMI registry. It is set by the installer and should not be changed by an administrator.


The name under which the outbound server's remote object reference is bound in the RMI registry. It is set by the installer and should not be changed by an administrator.


Hard-codes the sender name for submissions to ECXpert. Use this to submit all AS2 documents as the same user. If no value is specified, the AS2 Server determines the sending member's name based on its AS2 party ID and submits the document using that value.


Hard-codes the receiver name for sending from ECXpert. Use this to send all AS2 documents to the same user. If no value is specified, the AS2 Server determines the receiving member's name based on its AS2 party ID and sends the document using that value.


Password used for submission. If not specified, the sending member must be a trusted member in ECXpert, because no password will be passed in the submission. If you specify a password, it must be encrypted using the as2passwd utility.


File type used for submission. If not specified, the MIME sub-type specified in the Content-Type header of the AS2 message is used. If the sub-type is EDI-X12, EDIFACT, or EDI-Consent, the value is trimmed to 'EDI'. Examples are: Content-Type Submission File Type application/XML XML application/EDI-X12 EDI application/EDIFACT EDI application/idox-x8-41 idox-x8-41


The hostname of the proxy server (if used).


The port of the proxy server (if used).


The level of granularity used for log file entries. Possible values include: SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, FINE, FINER, FINEST.


If the system is using any level of message security (encryption, digital signature) and/or SSL, the administrator must specify a keystore file. The file path must point to an existing Java keystore.


The password used to access the keystore. Must be encrypted using the as2passwd utility.


The ECXpert user account used to query and update information in ECXpert.


The password for the ECXpert admin user. Must be encrypted using the as2passwd utility.


The AS2 root directory.


A local URL used as a return address when requesting asynchronous MDNs.


The JDBC hostname/port/SID used by the JDBC driver.


Set to true if the server name of an SSL host should be checked against the credentials presented in its certificate. False is the default.


The path to a user-defined message for AS2 MDNs. When present, the value for this field should point to a file containing text that is used in the second part of an MDN multipart message (for example, The user section). If a path is not supplied, or if it is unresolvable or unreadable, the following default MDN text will be used: AS2 Message Disposition Notification

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