Java Desktop System Release 2 Troubleshooting Guide

Network Problems

PPP Connection Does Not Work


You cannot connect to the network using a dial-up PPP connection. 


If you are using a modem for your network connection, and you require a dial up PPP connection, use the Linux PPP dialer command utility wvdial.

Modem Dialup Does Not Work


Bug ID: 4955086 

Modem dialup does not work for non-root users. This problem occurs because the setuid bit in the pppd utility is not set. The setuid bit on wvdial is also not set.


Perform the following actions: 

  1. Log in as root user.

  2. Execute the following command: chmod +s /usr/sbin/pppd

Network Places Do Not Appear


New network places do not appear in the Network Places window.


Log out and log in again.