The file panel-default-setup.entries contains sections that specify panels and panel contents. The panel-default-setup.entries file specifies values for schema keys. The panel-default-setup.entries file resides in the /etc/gconf/schemas directory.
The panel-default-setup.entries file is structured as follows:
Keys that specify the general structure of panels, applets, and other panel objects in the GNOME Desktop. The following keys specify the number of panels, panel objects, and applets that appear in the GNOME Desktop:
The keys also assign identifiers to each panel, panel object, and applet. For example, the following sample from panel-default-setup.entries specifies that one panel appears in the GNOME Desktop:
<entry> <key>toplevel_id_list</key> <schema_key>/schemas/apps/panel/general/toplevel_id_list</schema_key> <value> <list type="string"> <value> <string>bottom_panel</string> </value> </list> </value> </entry>
In the panel-default-setup.entries file, the identifier bottom_panel identifies the bottom edge panel.
Keys that specify the properties of the panels. The panel property keys are structured as follows:
For example, the key /apps/panel/default_setup/toplevels/bottom_panel/size specifies the size of the bottom panel.
Keys that specify the panel objects, the panel object properties, and the panels in which the objects reside. For example, the following sample from panel-default-setup.entries specifies a Main Menu object at the left side of the bottom panel:
<entrylist base="/apps/panel/default_setup/objects/main_menu"> <entry> <key>object_type</key> <schema_key>/schemas/apps/panel/objects/object_type</schema_key> <value> <string>menu-object</string> </value> </entry> <entry> <key>toplevel_id</key> <schema_key>/schemas/apps/panel/objects/toplevel_id</schema_key> <value> <string>bottom_panel</string> </value> </entry> <entry> <key>position</key> <schema_key>/schemas/apps/panel/objects/position</schema_key> <value> <int>0</int> </value> </entry> . . . </entrylist>
Keys that specify the applets, the applet preferences, and
the panels in which the applets reside. For example, the following sample
from panel-default-setup.entries specifies the Window List
applet, in the bottom panel:
<entrylist base="/apps/panel/default_setup/applets/window_list"> <entry> <key>object_type</key> <schema_key>/schemas/apps/panel/objects/object_type</schema_key> <value> <string>bonobo-applet</string> </value> </entry> <entry> <key>toplevel_id</key> <schema_key>/schemas/apps/panel/objects/toplevel_id</schema_key> <value> <string>bottom_panel</string> </value> </entry> <entry> <key>position</key> <schema_key>/schemas/apps/panel/objects/position</schema_key> <value> <int>2</int> </value> </entry> . . . <entry> <key>bonobo_iid</key> <schema_key>/schemas/apps/panel/objects/bonobo_iid_type</schema_key> <value> <string>OAFIID:GNOME_WindowListApplet</string> </value> </entry> </entrylist>
The OAFIID is a unique identifier for an applet. To find the OAFIID
for a particular applet, see the .server file for the
applet in the /usr/lib/bonobo/servers directory. For
example, the following excerpt from GNOME_Wncklet_Factory.server shows the OAFIID for the Window List
<oaf_server iid="OAFIID:GNOME_WindowListApplet" type="factory" location="OAFIID:GNOME_Wncklet_Factory">