GNOME 2.2 Desktop on Linux System Administration Guide

To Modify Performance Preferences

The file manager includes performance-related preferences. Each performance preference can take one of three values. The values are described in the following table:




Performs the action for both local files, and files on other file systems. 


Performs the action for local files only. When you set a performance preference to local_only, the CPU usage is reduced.


Never performs the action. When you set a performance preference to never, the CPU usage and the network traffic are reduced. 

The following table describes the performance preferences for the file manager. For the fastest performance, set the value of the preferences to never.




Specifies when to preview the content of text files in the icon that represents the file. To never preview the content of text files, run the following command:  

# gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/ show_icon_text never

Alternatively, users can perform the following steps: 

  1. Choose Edit -> Preferences from a file manager window, then choose Preview.

  2. Select an option for the Show text in icons preference.


Specifies when to show the number of items in folders. To never show the number of items in folders, run the following command: 

# gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/ show_directory_item_counts never

Alternatively, users can perform the following steps: 

  1. Choose Edit -> Preferences from a file manager window, then choose Preview.

  2. Select an option for the Count number of items preference.


Specifies when to show thumbnails of image files. To never show thumbnails, run the following command: 

# gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/ show_image_thumbnails never

Alternatively, users can perform the following steps: 

  1. Choose Edit -> Preferences from a file manager window, then choose Preview.

  2. Select an option for the Show thumbnails preference.


Specifies when to preview the content of sound files. To never preview the content of sound files, run the following command: 

# gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/preview_sound never

Alternatively, users can perform the following steps: 

  1. Choose Edit -> Preferences from a file manager window, then choose Preview.

  2. Select an option for the Preview sound files preference.