Sun Patch Manager 2.0 Administration Guide for the Solaris 9 Operating System

ProcedureHow to Change the Policy for Applying Patches (Command Line)

If you want to configure your system to apply some nonstandard patches during an update operation, you must change the policy for applying patches.

By default, only patches that are associated with the standard, rebootafter, or reconfigafter properties can be applied by an update operation.

Caution – Caution –

If you change your policy from the default, Sun makes no guarantees that the patches apply correctly to your system or that your system will function properly.

For more information about the policy for applying patches, see Customizing the Policy for Applying Patches.

  1. Determine the types of nonstandard patch properties that you want to apply during an update.

  2. Become an appropriately authorized user or assume a role that includes the Software Installation profile or the solaris.admin.patchmgr.* authorization.

    The System Administrator profile includes the appropriate profiles. To create the role and assign the role to a user, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  3. Specify the new policy.

    # smpatch set patchpro.install.types=patch-property

    patch-property is a list of patch properties each separated by a colon (:). For the list of valid patch properties, see Customizing the Policy for Applying Patches.

Example 5–9 Changing the Policy for Applying Patches

This example shows how to set the policy for a system. The new policy also includes patches that require that the system be rebooted immediately for the patch to take effect.

# smpatch set \