Sun Patch Manager 2.0 Administration Guide for the Solaris 9 Operating System

ProcedureHow to Change Configuration Settings for Your Local Patch Server (Command Line)

If you want to change the configuration settings of your local patch server, you must first stop it. After you change the settings by using the patchsvr setup command, you must restart the local patch server.

For information about the configuration settings that you can change, see the patchsvr(1M) man page.

  1. As superuser, log in to the system that you plan to use as your local patch server.

  2. Stop the local patch server.

    # patchsvr stop
  3. Change one or more configuration settings, one per command line.

    For example, specify a web proxy, web-proxy-name, and a port, port.

    # patchsvr setup -x web-proxy-name:port
  4. Start the local patch server.

    # patchsvr start

Example 7–2 Changing Configuration Settings for Your Local Patch Server

This example shows how to change some configuration settings for your local patch server. The local patch server communicates with the Internet by using a web proxy. First, you stop the local patch server, then specify the host name, webproxy1, and the port number, 2010, of the web proxy.

Next, you specify the next local patch server in the chain. You configure two local patch servers to serve systems in two buildings. The psvr1 server obtains patches from the Sun patch server. The second server, psvr2, obtains patches from psvr1. You configure psvr2 to obtain patches from psvr1 by specifying the URL to the server, which is http://psvr1:3816/solaris/.

# patchsvr stop
Shutting down Local Patch Server
# patchsvr setup -x webproxy1:2010
# patchsvr setup -p http://psvr1:3816/solaris/
# patchsvr start
Starting Local Patch Server