If your system connects to the Internet through a web proxy, you must provide information about the web proxy to Patch Manager.
Obtain the host name and the port of the web proxy from your network administrator.
Become an appropriately authorized user or assume a role that includes the Software Installation profile or the solaris.admin.patchmgr.* authorization.
The System Administrator profile includes the appropriate profiles. To create the role and assign the role to a user, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
Specify the web proxy.
# smpatch set patchpro.proxy.host=web-proxy-server \ patchpro.proxy.port=port |
(Optional) If the web proxy requires authentication, supply the user name and password.
Obtain this information from your network administrator.
Specify the user name to be used for authentication.
# smpatch set patchpro.proxy.user=web-proxy-user |
Specify the proxy user's password by having smpatch prompt you for the password.
# smpatch set patchpro.proxy.passwd Web Proxy User Password: web-proxy-password |
Setting the password in this way ensures that the password you type does not appear as clear text in the following:
Standard output
Output of the ps command
Your shell history file