Java Desktop System Release 3 Administration Guide

Files Generated From the MIME Database

When a new MIME type is installed, the update-mime-database command is executed to update the MIME database. Table 5–3 describes the files that the update-mime-database command generates:

Table 5–3 Files Generated by update-mime-database




The globs file is generated from the glob elements in the MIME database, and from the glob elements in any MIME type description files in the packages directory. The globs file contains a simple list of MIME types and the filename patterns that are associated with that file type.

The following are examples of entries in the globs file:


If there are two identical filename patterns in the glob elements in the MIME database, only the entry from the MIME type description file which comes later alphabetically is added to the globs file. For example, if the MIME type description files abc.xml and def.xml contain identical filename patterns in the glob elements, only the glob element from def.xml is added to the globs file. That is, filename patterns in alphabetically later MIME type description files take precedence.

If you want a MIME type description to take precedence over other MIME type descriptions, no matter what the alphabetical order is, put the MIME type description in a file called Override.xml in the packages directory.


The magic file is generated from the magic elements in the MIME database, and from the magic elements in any MIME type description files in the packages directory. The magic file is stored in binary format.


The magic file is generated from the root-XML elements in the MIME database. This file lists all of the XML namespaces that the XML file types use.


These files are generated from the comment elements in the MIME database.