Java Desktop System Email and Calendar User Guide

Chapter 10 Using Microsoft Exchange Accounts

The information in this chapter describes how to use Email and Calendar to work with Microsoft Exchange accounts.

Introduction to Using Exchange with Email and Calendar

You can use Email and Calendar to work with your Exchange information. When you work with Exchange from Email and Calendar, your data is stored on the Exchange server, not on your local system.

You can work with the following types of Exchange folder from Email and Calendar:

You can only enable Exchange account at a time in Email and Calendar. For information about how to configure an Exchange account in Email and Calendar, see Chapter 2, Getting Started.

When you work with Exchange from Email and Calendar, some functions work differently, particularly with regard to Exchange folders and local folders. The following table summarizes the functional differences:


Exchange Folders 

Local Folders 

Save an appointment or a contact from an email message 

Item is saved in the appropriate Exchange folder.

Item is not saved in local folder. 

Reminders for appointments and meetings 

Reminders do not function, until you start Email and Calendar.

You do not need to start Email and Calendar for the reminder to function.

Note –

When you log in to your Exchange account, then click on the GAL, no contacts are displayed in the GAL. This reduces the workload of the global catalog server. To view contacts in the GAL, perform a search. For more information about how to search for contacts see, Searching Your Contacts.

To Log In to Your Exchange Account

When you configure an Exchange account in Email and Calendar, the account is added to your folder pane.

When you start Email and Calendar, you are prompted for the password for the account. If you enter the correct password, the account is displayed in the folder pane, and you can display the contents of the folders.

Assigning Delegate Permissions

Microsoft Exchange has a feature that enables you to give other users permission to access your Exchange account. When you assign this permission to another user, that user is a delegate. You can enable a delegate user to perform the following tasks on your behalf:

Note –

If you have not used Microsoft Outlook with your Exchange account before, the delegate features do not function correctly in Email and Calendar. When you choose Tools -> Settings, then click Delegation for Exchange, the message Error reading Delegates list is displayed.

If you plan to migrate from Outlook to Email and Calendar, and you want to use the delegate features, you must specify all the delegate options in Outlook before you migrate.

If the delegate features are not available to you, you can set permissions for another user on folders instead. Then that user can open the folder in their own folder pane. For information about how to set access permissions for a folder, see To Set Access Permissions for a Folder. For information about how to open the folder of another user, see To Open the Folder of Another User.

To Configure a User as a Delegate

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Settings.

  2. Click Delegation for Exchange in the left pane.

  3. In the Delegating to Others tabbed section, click Add.

  4. Enter the name of the user in the Delegate To field on the Select User dialog. Alternatively, to select a user from a GAL or a list of contacts, click on the Addressbook button. Use the Select Contacts from Addressbook dialog to select a user.

  5. Click OK on the Select User dialog to assign the user as a delegate.

  6. Click OK on the Evolution Settings dialog.

To Specify Access Permissions for a Delegate

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Settings.

  2. Click Delegation for Exchange in the left pane.

  3. In the Delegating to Others tabbed section, select the delegate whose permissions you want to modify, then click Edit.

  4. On the Permissions for username dialog, select the permissions for the delegate for your Calendar, Contacts, Inbox, and Tasks folders. Select the role for the delegate from the drop-down list beside each folder. A set of permissions is associated with each role. For example, if you select the Author role, the delegate can read the contents of the folder and add items to the folder.

  5. Select the Delegate can see private items option to enable the delegate to view appointments, meetings, and tasks whose Classification is Private.

  6. Click OK on the Permissions for username dialog.

  7. Click OK on the Evolution Settings dialog.

To Remove a Delegate

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Settings.

  2. Click Delegation for Exchange in the left pane.

  3. In the Delegating to Others tabbed section, select the delegate that you want to remove, then click Remove.

  4. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog.

  5. Click OK on the Evolution Settings dialog.

To View Users That You are a Delegate For

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Settings.

  2. Click Delegation for Exchange in the left pane.

  3. Click on the Acting as a Delegate tab. The table in the tabbed section displays the list of users that you are a delegate for.

    If you want to send email messages on behalf of the user, select the check box next to the name of the user. When you compose a message, you can select the email address of the user from the From drop-down list.

  4. Click Close to close the Evolution Settings dialog.

To Set Access Permissions for a Folder

Perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the folder, then choose Permissions from the popup menu.

  2. Use the Permissions for folder-name dialog to set the access permissions. The following table describes the elements in the Folder permissions dialog:



    User table 

    To set access permissions for a user, select the user in the table, then select the options you require in the Permissions group.

    To add a user to the table, click Add. Enter the name of the user in the Add User dialog, then click OK. Alternatively, to select a user from a GAL or a list of contacts, click on the Addressbook button. Use the Select Contacts from Addressbook dialog to select a user.

    To delete a user from the table, select the user in the table, then click Remove.


    Select the role for the user from the drop-down list. A set of permissions is associated with each role. For example, if you select the Reviewer role, the following options are selected automatically:

    • Read items

    • Folder visible

    • The None option in the Edit Items group

    • The None option in the Delete Items group

    You can modify the permissions after you select a role for the user. When you modify the permissions, the value in the drop-down list changes to the appropriate role. If the permissions you select do not match a role, the value in drop-down list changes toCustom.

    Create items

    Select this option to enable the user to add items in the folder. 

    Folder owner

    Select this option to enable the user to perform the same tasks as the owner of the folder. 

    Read items

    Select this option to enable the user to read items in the folder. 

    Folder contact

    Select this option if you want the user to receive a copy of messages related to the folder. For example, the folder might send a message to all folder contacts when a user makes a change to the folder. 

    Create subfolders

    Select this option to enable the user to create new folders within the folder. 

    Folder visible

    Select this option to enable the user to display the folder in their folder pane, when the user subscribes to your account. 

    Edit items

    Use this group to specify the permissions for the user when the user edits items in the folder. 

    • None: Select this option if you do not want to enable the user to modify items in the folder.

    • Own: Select this option to enable the user to modify items that the user creates in the folder.

    • All: Select this option to enable the user to modify any items in the folder.

    Delete items

    Use this group to specify the permissions for the user when the user deletes items from the folder. 

    • None: Select this option if you do not want to enable the user to delete items from the folder.

    • Own: Select this option to enable the user to delete items that the user creates from the folder.

    • All: Select this option to enable the user to delete any items from the folder.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.

Out-Of-Office Messages

An out-of-office message is an email message that the Exchange server sends automatically to anyone who sends you a message, when you are not available to reply. Your out-of-office message is sent one time only to each person who sends you a message.

To Specify Your Out-Of-Office Options

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Settings.

  2. Click Out of Office in the left pane.

  3. To specify that you are unavailable, select the I am currently out of the office option.

    To specify that you are available, select the I am currently in the office option.

  4. Type your out-of-office message in the Out of Office Message text area.

  5. Click OK.

If you select the I am currently out of the office option, the next time that you log in to your Exchange account, an Out of Office Assistant dialog is displayed. The dialog asks if you want to change your status from unavailable to available. To change your status to available, click on the Yes, Change Status button. To leave your status unchanged, click on the No, Don't Change Status button.