These language support enhancements are new in the Solaris Express 2/06 release.
The Internet Intranet Input Method Framework (IIIMF) has been upgraded from rev.10 to rev.12.
This framework provides the following new features:
Input Method Switcher - This feature displays input method status and switches input languages. You can add the input method switcher to the JDS panel. Select Add to Panel -> Utility -> InputMethod Switcher to add the input method switcher to the JDS panel.
Utility for iiim-properties - This feature supports various input method preferences. Use one of the following methods to launch the iiim-properties utility:
Select Launch -> Preferences -> Desktop Preferences -> Input Methods.
Click mouse button 3 on the Input method switcher and select Preference.
In the CDE environment, select Tool -> Input Method Preference from the CDE main menu or type iiim-properties on command prompt.
Each language engine has also been upgraded to the IIIMF rev.12 base. The Japanese language engines, ATOK12 and Wnn6, have been updated to “ATOK for Solaris” and Wnn8 respectively. “ATOK for Solaris” is equivalent to ATOK17. A new Chinese chewing input method has also been added to the IIIMF.