Solaris Express Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations

Patches Stored on a Local Device

You can retrieve a Solaris package from a local device if you stored the package on a file system-oriented, random-access device, such as a diskette or a DVD-ROM. Use the following syntax for the patch keyword.

patch patch_id_list | patch_file local_device \
device path file_system_type

Specifies the patch ID numbers that are to be installed. The list should be a list of comma-separated Solaris patch IDs. The patches are installed in the order specified in the list. Do not add a space after the comma, for example: 112467-01,112765-02.


A file with a list of patches that is found in the patch_location. The patches are installed in the order specified in the file.


Specifies the name of the drive where the Solaris package resides. If the device name is a canonical path, the device is mounted directly. If you supply a device name that is not a canonical path, the installation utility adds /dev/dsk/ to the path.


Specifies the path to the Solaris patch, relative to the root (/) file system on the device you specified.


Specifies the type of file system on the device. If you do not supply a file system type, the installation utility attempts to mount a UFS file system. If the UFS mount fails, the installation utility attempts to mount an HSFS file system.

Example 8–22 Adding a Patch With an Ordered List by Using a Local Device

In this example, the patch profile keyword adds all the patches listed in the patch_file file from the directory /Solaris_11/patches from the local device c0t6d0s0. The patch file determines the order of patches to be installed.

patch patch_file c0t6d0s0 /Solaris_11/patches

Example 8–23 Adding a Patch by Using a Local Device

In this example, the patch profile keyword adds the patches 112467–01 and 112765–02 from the patch directory /Solaris_11/patches from local device c0t6d0s0.

patch 112467-01,112765-02 local_device c0t6d0s0 /Solaris_11/patches