Solaris Express Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations

backup_media Profile Keyword

backup_media type path

You can use backup_media only with the upgrade option when disk space reallocation is required.

backup_media defines the media that is to be used to back up file systems if space needs to be reallocated during an upgrade because of insufficient space. If multiple tapes or diskettes are required for the backup, you are prompted to insert tapes or diskettes during the upgrade.

Valid type Value

Valid path Value




A local tape drive on the system that is being upgraded. path must be the character (raw) device path for the tape drive. n is the number of the tape drive.



A local diskette drive on the system that is being upgraded. path must be the character (raw) device path for the diskette drive. n is the number of the diskette drive.

Diskettes that you use for the backup must be formatted. 




A local file system on the system that is being upgraded. You cannot specify a local file system that is being changed by the upgrade. path can be a block device path for a disk slice. For example, the tx in /dev/dsk/cwtxdysz might not be needed. Or, path can be the absolute path to a file system that is mounted by the /etc/vfstab file.



An NFS file system on a remote system. path must include the name or IP address of the remote system, host, and the absolute path to the NFS file system, file_system. The NFS file system must have read/write access.



A directory on a remote system that can be reached by a remote shell, rsh. The system that is being upgraded must have access to the remote system through the remote system's .rhosts file. path must include the name of the remote system host and the absolute path to the directory directory. If a user login ID user is not specified, root is used by default.

Example 8–7 backup_media Profile Keyword

backup_media local_tape /dev/rmt/0

backup_media local_diskette /dev/rdiskette1

backup_media local_filesystem /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4

backup_media local_filesystem /export

backup_media remote_filesystem system1:/export/temp

backup_media remote_system user1@system1:/export/temp