Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

psadmin get-attribute


Display the value of an attribute for a Producer.


Long Format

psadmin get-attribute --component producer --portal portal-ID --attribute-name attribute-name --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename [--producer producer-name] [--registrationhandle handle]

Short Format

psadmin get-attribute -m producer -p portal-ID -a attribute-name -u uid -f password-filename [-N producer-name] [-H handle]


The following options are required:

[--attribute-name | -a] attribute-name

Specifies the name of the Producer attribute for which the value is to be retrieved.

Attributes can be:

  • AllDisabled (true or false, global attribute)

  • Enabled (true or false )

  • WSDL_URL (read-only)

  • RegistrationRequired (true or false)

  • InBandRegistrationSupported (true or false)

  • RegistrationValidatorClassName

  • PublishedPortlets

  • UnpublishedPortlets (read-only)

  • RegistrationPropertyDescription

Attributes for Consumer Registrations can be:

  • Enabled (true or false )

  • ConsumerName

  • ConsumerAgent

  • MethodGetSupported

  • ConsumerModes

  • ConsumerWindowStates

  • ConsumerUserScopes

  • CustomUserProfileData

  • RegistrationProperties

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--component | -m] producer

Specifies the name of the component. The value should be producer.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portalid | -p] portal-ID

Specifies the portal ID.

The following options are optional:

[--producer | -N] producer-name

Specifies the name of the Producer being targeted.

[--registrationhandle | -H] handle

Specifies the registration handle.