Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement


The following options are required:

[--component | -m] consumer

Specifies the name of the component. Value should be consumer.

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portal | -p] portalid

Specifies the portal ID.

The following options are optional:

[--searchproducerdatafile | -C] file

Specifies the name of the file that contains the attributes to be searched for while searching for WSRP Producer. Contents of the file include:

  • ="%ACME Producer%" - Wildcard search

  • producer.description="%stocks%" - Wildcard search

[--searchportletsdatafile | -D] file

Specifies the name of the file that contains the attributes to be searched for while searching for WSRP Portlets. Contents of the file include:

  • ="ACME Portlet"

  • portlet.description="%news%" - Wildcard search

[--searchorgdatafile | -L] file

Specifies the name of the file that contains the attributes to be searched for while searching for Organization that offers WSRP service. Contents of the file include:

  • ="%acme%"

  • organization.description="%news%" - Wildcard search