Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Chapter 19 Desktop Subcommands

This supplement contains the following:

psadmin get-attribute


Gets the portal attribute for a base dn or from global or default levels.


Long Format

psadmin get-attribute --component desktop -attribute-name attribute-name --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename [--dn dn] -portalid portal-ID --verbose

Short Format

psadmin get-attribute -m desktop -a attribute-name -u uid -f password-filename [-d dn] -p portal-ID -v


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--attribute-name | -a] attribute-name

Specifies the desktop attribute name for which the value is to be retrieved. User friendly desktop attributes can be fetched from the list-attribute subcommand, with component name as desktop.

[--component | -m] desktop

Always desktop for this module.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portalId | -p] portal-ID

Specifies the portal ID.

The following options are optional:

[--dn | -d] dn

Specifies the distinguished name for whom desktop attribute is to be retrieved.

[--verbose | -v]

Removes display profile verbosely.

psadmin set-attribute


Sets the portal desktop attribute to the supplied value or values for a base dn or at global or default levels.


Long Format

psadmin set-attribute --component desktop --attribute-name attribute-name --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename [-add add_values] [--remove remove_values] [--inherit ] [--dn dn] --portalid portal-ID set_values

Short Format

psadmin set-attribute -m desktop -a attribute-name -u uid -f password-filename [-d dn] -p portal-ID [ -A add_values] [-E remove_values][--inherit] set_values


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--attribute-name | -a] attribute-name

Argument which specifies the name of the desktop attribute for which the value is to be added, removed, replaced, or inherited. User friendly desktop attributes can be fetched from list-attribute command, with component name as desktop.

[--component | -m] desktop

Always desktop for this module.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portalId | -p] portal-ID

Specifies the portal ID.

The following options are optional:

[--add | -A] add_values

Applies to multi value attribute. Specifies a comma separated list of values to be set for an attribute. Mutually exclusive to --inherit option and set_values operand. The list of value is enclosed in ".

[--dn | -d] dn

Specifies the distinguished name for whom desktop attribute is to be set.


Allows the specified attribute at the given dn, to inherit its value from the parent dn.

The dn is mandatory to use this option.

[--remove | -E] remove_values

Applies to multi value attribute. Specifies a comma separated list of values to be removed for an attribute. Mutually exclusive to --inherit option and set_values operand. The list of value is enclosed in ".


The following operand is supported:


Specifies the value to be set.


You cannot do the following:

psadmin list-attribute


Lists the portal desktop attributes which are defined at any base dn or at global or default levels. This subcommand can be used when an administrator wants to see the entire list of desktop attributes.


Long Format

psadmin list-attributes --component desktop --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename --verbose

Short Format

psadmin list-attributes -m desktop -u uid -f password-filename -v


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--component | -m] desktop

Always desktop for this module.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--verbose | -v]

Removes display profile verbosely.

psadmin list-dp


Retrieves and displays display profile node objects.


Long Format

psadmin list-dp --name name --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename --dn dn --portalid portal-ID [--verbose] [--global] [--dry-run]

Short Format

psadmin list-dp --n name -u uid -f password-filename -d dn -p portal-ID [-v] [ -g] [-r]


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--dn | -d] dn

Distinguished name of the target node. This is mutually exclusive to -g option.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portalId| -p] portal-ID

Specifies the portal ID; if this is not supplied, the default is used.

The following options are optional:

[--dry-run | -r]

Attempt to execute command without writing out to LDAP. Default is false.

[--global | -g]

Global display profile. Default is false. This is mutually exclusive to -d option.

[--name | -n] name

Name of the target display object. If omitted, the entire display profile is displayed.

[--verbose | -v]

Lists display profile verbosely.

psadmin merge-dp


Retrieves and displays the merged result of the given display profile node objects.


Long Format

psadmin merge-dp --name name --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename --dn dn --portalid portal-ID [--verbose] [--global] [--dry-run]

Short Format

psadmin merge-dp --n name -u uid -f password-filename -d dn -p portal-ID [-v] [-g] [-r]


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--dn | -d] dn

The distinguished name of the target node. This is mutually exclusive to -g option.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portalId | -p] portal-ID

Specifies the portal ID; if this is not supplied, the default is used.

The following options are optional:

[--dry-run | -r]

Attempt to execute command without writing out to LDAP. Default is false.

[--global | -g]

Global display profile. Default is false. This is mutually exclusive to -d option.

[--name | -n] name

Name of the target display object. If omitted, merges the entire display profile.

[--verbose | -v]

Merges display profile verbosely.

psadmin modify-dp


Changes the value for an existing display profile object.


Long Format

psadmin modify-dp --parent parent --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename --dn dn --portalid portal-ID [--verbose] [--global] [--dry-run] [--combine]

Short Format

psadmin modify-dp -P parent -u uid -f password-filename -d dn -p portal-ID [-v] [-g] [-r] [-m]


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--dn | -d] dn

Distinguished name of the target node. This is mutually exclusive to -g option.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portalId | -p] portal-ID

Specifies the portal ID, if this is not supplied, the default is be used.

The following options are optional:

[--combine | -m]

Combine with the existing display profile object. For example, use this option to add a channel specified in the existing XML file to a container's existing selected list. By default, this is false.

[--dry-run | -r]

Attempt to execute command without writing out to LDAP. Default is false.

[--global | -g]

Global display profile. Default is false. This is mutually exclusive to -d option.

[--parent | -P] parent

Name of the parent display object. If omitted, assumes the node to be modified is under root.

[--verbose | -v]

Modifies display profile verbosely.


Specifies one or more files which contain XML fragments.

psadmin add-dp


Adds a new display profile object to the display profile.


Long Format

psadmin add-dp --parent parent --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename --dn dn --portalid portal-ID [--verbose] [--global] [--dry-run]

Short Format

psadmin add-dp -P parent -u uid -f password-filename -d dn -p portal-ID [-v] [-g] [-r]


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--dn | -d] dn

Distinguished name of the target node. This is mutually exclusive to -g option.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portalId | -p] portal-ID

Specifies the portal ID, if this is not supplied, the default is used.

The following options are optional:

[--dry-run | -r]

Attempt to execute command without writing out to LDAP. Default is false.

[--global | -g]

Global display profile. Default is false. This is mutually exclusive to -d option.

[--parent | -P] parent

Name of the parent display object. If not specified , the object gets added to the root.

[--verbose | -v]

Adds display profile verbosely


Specifies one or more files each of which contains XML fragment.

psadmin remove-dp


Removes an existing display profile object from the display profile.


Long Format

psadmin remove-dp --name name --parent parent --type type --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename --dn dn --portalid portal-ID [ --verbose] [--global] [--dry-run]

Short Format

psadmin remove-dp -n name -P parent -t type -u uid -f password-filename -d dn -p portal-ID [-v] [-g] [-r]


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name.

[--dn | -d] dn

Distinguished name of the target node. This is mutually exclusive to -g option.

[--name | -n] name

Name of the target display object.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portalId | -p] portal-ID

Specifies the portal ID; if this is not supplied, the default is used.

[--type | -t] type

Type of the display object: root,channel,provider,property,available,selected .

The following options are optional:

[--dry-run | -r]

Attempt to execute command without writing out to LDAP. Default is false.

[--global | -g]

Global display profile. Default is false. This is mutually exclusive to -d option.

[--parent | -P] parent

Name of the parent display object. If not specified , the object gets removed from the root.

[--verbose | -v]

Removes display profile verbosely.