Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

psadmin get-popular-search


The get-popular-search subcommand displays the popular searches from a search server.


Long Format

psadmin get-popular-search --searchserver search-server-ID --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename [--debug] [--output output-filename] [--verbose] [--cache] [--nobrowsing]

Short Format

psadmin get-popular-search -s search-server-ID --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-filename [--debug] [--output output-filename] [-v] [--cache] --nobrowsing]


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the Administrator's ID.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the name of the password file.

[--searchserver | -s] search-server-ID

Specifies the search server ID.

The following options are optional:


Specifies if debug mode is turned on.

[--output] output-filename

Specifies if the output mode is used.

[--verbose | -v]

Specifies if the verbose mode is used.


Specifies that the get-popular-search subcommand uses the cache results.


Specifies that the get-popular-search subcommand excludes browsing results.