Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Tag library for Desktop Channel and Container Management Tasks


All the channel administration tags must be nested inside this tag and will operate on the base distinguished node that is passed into this tag. For example: <dtadmin:obtainChannelAdmin baseDN="dc=example,dc=siroe,dc=com"> ... <dtadmin:obtainChannelAdmin>

The baseDN is a required attribute and must be a valid node in the directory server. For example, dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com.

Returns variables available inside the nesting with extra information for this tag: CHANNEL_NAME_SEPARATOR, STRING_DP, INTEGER_DP, BOOLEAN_DP, COLLECTION_DP, UNKNOWN_DP.


Gets the list of distinguished nodes the currently authenticated delegated administrator can administer. For example: <dtadmin:getBaseDNs id="nodes"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id.

Returns java.util.Set.


Gets the display name for the distinguished name that is passed in. For example, <dtadmin:getDNDisplayName id="name" dn="dc=red,dc=iplanet,dc=com"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The dn attribute is required and takes the distinguished name for which the display name is requested.

Returns java.lang.String.


Returns the set of channels or containers that are assignable to the available and selected list of a container. This tag returns the list of channels which includes the container's children and the container's parent's children, parent's parent's children, and traverses recursively until it reaches the display profile root. Mergers are taken into account when the channels are traversed. For example, <dtadmin:getAssignableChannelsid="AssignableChannels" container="containerName"/>

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The container attribute is required and takes the name of container for which assignable channels are requested.

Returns java.util.Set.


Returns the set of existing channels. The channels in this list can be modifiable or deleted by the user who can administer the base distinguished node that this tag is operating on. This tag returns the list of channels which includes the channels defined at the base distinguished node, channels defined inside the containers that are defined at the base distinguished node. If all is set to true, all the channels from the merged list is returned. This tag returns the set of channels that match the search string if regExp is provided. For example, <dtadmin:getExistingChannels id="FilteredChannels" regExp="*" all="false"/>

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The all attribute is required and if true, takes mergers into account. The regExp attribute takes a search string (if filtering resulting channels based on a regular expression) specifically of the form foo*, *foo, foo*bar, foo*bar*.

Returns java.util.Set.


Returns the set of existing containers. The containers in this list can be modifiable or deleted by the user who can administer the base distinguished node that this tag is operating on. This tag returns the list of containers which includes the containers defined at the base distinguished node, containers defined inside the containers that are defined at the base distinguished node. If all is set to true, all the containers from the merged list is returned. This tag returns the set of containers that match the search string if regExp is provided. For example, <dtadmin:getExistingContainers id="ExistingContainers" all="true"/>

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The all attribute is required and if true, takes mergers into account. The regExp attribute takes a search string (if filtering resulting channels based on a regular expression) specifically of the form foo*, *foo, foo*bar, foo*bar*.

Returns java.util.Set.


Returns the set of existing providers. The providers in this list can be used to create channels by the user that can administer the base distinguished node that this tag is operating on. Always takes mergers into account. For example, <dtadmin:getExistingProviders id="ExistingProviders"/>

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id.

Returns java.util.Set.


Returns the set of existing container providers. The container providers in this list can be used to create containers by the user who can administer the base distinguished node that this tag is operating on. Always takes mergers into account. For example, <dtadmin:getExistingContainerProviders id="ExistingContainerProviders"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id.

Returns java.util.Set.


Creates a new channel. A new channel is created based on the named provider. To create a nested channel, supply a hierarchical channel name. For example, to create channel A inside of container X, based on provider P: <dtadmin:createChannel channelName="A/X" providerName="P"/>. Use the CHANNEL_NAME_SEPARATOR variable for constructing the hierarchical channel names.

The channelName attribute is required and takes the name of the channel. The providerName attribute is required and must contain the name of the base provider.


Creates a new container. A new container is created based on the named container provider. To create a nested container, supply a hierarchical channel name. For example, to create container A inside of container X, based on provider P: <dtadmin:createContainerl channelName="A/X" providerName="P"/>

The channelName attribute is required and takes the name of the channel. The providerName attribute is required and must contain the name of the base provider.


Deletes a channel or container. To delete a nested channel or container, supply parent name. For example, to delete channel A inside of container X, at base distinguished node dc=iplanet,dc=com,<dtadmin:deleteChannel node="dc=iplanet,dc=com" channelName="A" parentContainer="X"/>.

The channelName attribute is required and takes the name of the channel. The parentContainer attribute is required and takes the parent container name.


Gets the list of available channels in a container. For example, <dtadmin:getAvailableChannels id="AvailableChannels" container="containerName"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The container attribute is required and takes the name of the container for which assignable channels are requested.

Returns java.util.List.


Gets the list of selected channels in a container. For example, <dtadmin:getSelectedChannels id="SelectedChannels" container="containerName"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The container attribute is required and takes the name of the container for which assignable channels are requested.

Returns java.util.List.


Sets the list of available channels in a container. For example, <dtadmin:setAvailableChannels available="$available" container="JDCFrontPageTabPanel"/> .

The container attribute is required and takes the name of the container for which assignable channels are requested. The available attribute is required and takes the new available list.


Sets the list of selected channels in a container. For example, <dtadmin:setSelectedChannels selected="$selected" container="JDCFrontPageTabPanel"/> .

The container attribute is required and takes the name of the container for which assignable channels are requested. The selected attribute is required and takes the new selected list.


Gets the fully classified class name for the provider class that this channel is based on. For example, <dtadmin:getClassName id="classname" channel="channelName"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested.

Returns java.lang.String.


Gets the list of properties in a channel or container. This tag returns the list of basic property names at the given channel name that is passed in if advanced attribute is false or not set. If advanced attribute is set to true, it returns the advanced property names. If regExp is specified, returns the property names that match the search string. For example, <dtadmin:getPropertyNames channel="SampleURLScraper"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects. The regExp attribute takes a search string (if filtering the resulting set based on a regular expression.) The advanced attribute is optional.

Returns java.util.Set.


Returns the property type for the given property name for a given channel. For example, <dtadmin:getPropertyType channel="JDCTab/JDCChannel" property="title" id="titleType"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested. The property attribute is required and takes the property name.

Returns java.lang.short. The returned value can be compared to one of the following variables available as extra info to determine the type: STRING_DP, INTEGER_DP, BOOLEAN_DP, COLLECTION_DP, UNKNOWN_DP


Gets the string property value given a channel or container name and the property key. The PropertyFilter list is optional; if given, gets the string property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the string property value from the global properties is returned. For example, dtadmin:getStringProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="title"/.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested. The key attribute is required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.

Returns java.lang.String.


Gets the integer property value given a channel or container name and the property key. The PropertyFilter list is optional; if given, gets the integer property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the integer property value from the global properties is returned. For example, <dtadmin:getIntegerProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="timeout"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested. The key attribute is required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.

Returns int.


Gets the boolean property value given a channel or container name and the property key. PropertyFilter list is optional; if given, gets the boolean property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the boolean property value from the global properties is returned. For example, <dtadmin:getBooleanProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="parallelChannelsInit"/> .

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested for. The key attribute is required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.

Returns boolean.


Gets the list property value given a channel or container name and the property key. PropertyFilter list is optional; if given, gets the collection property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the collection property value from the global properties is returned. The value returned is a List. For example, <dtadmin:getListProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="categories"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested for. The key attribute is required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.

Returns java.util.List.


Gets the map property value given a channel or container name and the property key. PropertyFilter list is optional; if given, gets the collection property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the collection property value from the global properties is returned. The value returned is a Map. For example, <dtadmin:getMapProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="channelsRow"/>.

The id attribute is optional and takes the name of the exported scoped variable for the resulting value. The scope attribute is optional and takes the scope for id. The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested for. The key attribute is required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.

Returns java.util.Map.


Sets the string property value given a channel or container name and the property key and the value. PropertyFilter list is optional; if given, sets the string property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the string property value at the global properties is set. For example, <dtadmin:setStringProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="title" value="New Front Page title-1"/>.

The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested for. The key and value attributes are required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.


Sets the integer property value given a channel or container name and the property key and the value. PropertyFilter list is optional; if given, sets the integer property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the integer property value at the global properties is set. For example, <dtadmin:setIntegerProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="timeout" value="80"/>.

The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested for. The key attribute and value attributes are required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.


Sets the boolean property value given a channel/container name and the property key and the value. PropertyFilter list is optional. If given sets the boolean property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the boolean property value at the global properties is set. For example, <dtadmin:getBooleanProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="parallelChannelsInit"/>.

The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested for. The key and value attributes are required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.


Sets the list property value given a channel or container name, and the property key and the value. PropertyFilter list is optional; if given, sets the list property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the list property value at the global properties is set. For example, <dtadmin:setListProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="categories" value="$list"/>.

The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested for. The key attribute is required. The value attribute is required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.


Sets the map property value given a channel/container name and the property key and the value. PropertyFilter list is optional. If given sets the map property based on the property filter's condition and value. If channel name is not set, then the map property value at the global properties is set. For example, <dtadmin:setMapProperty channel="MyFrontPageTabPanelContainer" key="channelsRow" value="$map/>.

The channel attribute is required and takes the channel name for which the class is requested for. The key and value attributes are required. The pflist attribute is optional and takes the list of PropertyFilter objects.