Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Chapter 21 Management Subcommands

This section contains details about the following:

psadmin list-portals


Produces a list of all portals and Portal Server instances that are available.


Long Format

psadmin list-portals --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file [--portal portal-name]

Short Format

psadmin list-portals -u uid -f password-file-name [-p portal-name]


The following options are required:

[--adminuser| -u uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

The following option is optional:

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Include to display Portal Server instances for the portal specified. Omit to display Portal Server instances for all portals.

psadmin create-portal


Sets up a new portal, registers it within the administration framework, and creates the portal's first Portal Server instance.


Long Format

psadmin create-portal --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file --portal portal-name --webconfig web-config-file --uri portal-uri

Short Format

psadmin create-portal -u uid -f password-file-name -p portal-name -w web-config-file --uri portal-uri


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn), or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the name of the new portal.

[--webconfig | -w] web-config-file

Specifies the name of the web container properties file, which contains web container-specific configuration parameters. This properties file is in the /opt/SUNWportal/template directory for your platform.

--uri portal-uri

Specifies the uniform resource indicator (URI) where the portal web is deployed.

psadmin delete-portal


Removes a portal from the administration framework and deletes all portal server instances and file system data associated with the portal. Undeploys the portal web application and portlet web applications deployed on the web container instances.


Long Format

psadmin delete-portal --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file-name --portal portal-name

Short Format

psadmin delete-portal -u uid -f password-file -p portal-name


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the name of the portal to remove.

See Also

psadmin list-portals

psadmin create-instance


Sets up a new Portal Server instance and associates it with a portal.


Long Format

psadmin create-instance --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file --portal portal-name --webconfig web-config-file[--instance-name instance-name]

Short Format

psadmin create-instance -u uid -f password-file-name -p portal-name -w web-config-file[-i instance-name]


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the name of the portal that the instance belongs to.

[--webconfig | -w] web-config-file

Specifies the name of the web container properties file, which contains web container-specific configuration parameters. This properties file is in the /opt/SUNWportal/template directory for your platform.

The following option is optional:

[--instance | -i] intance-name

Specifies the name of the new portal instance. If omitted, the administration framework generates the name as host-name_port-number.

psadmin delete-instance


Removes a Portal Server instance from the portal, configures the web container to remove the instance entry, including undeploying the Portal WAR.


Long Format

psadmin delete-instance --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file-name --portal portal-name --instance instance-name

Short Format

psadmin delete-instance -u uid -f password-file-name -p portal-name -i instance-name


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn), or user ID (uid).

[--passwordFile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--instance | -i] instance-name

Specifies the name of the instance to remove.

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the name of the portal that the instance belongs to.

psadmin redeploy


Redeploys a Portal Server to a web container instance.


Long Format

psadmin redeploy --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file-name --portal portal-name [--instance instance-name]

Short Format

psadmin redeploy -u uid -f password-file-name -p portal-name -i instance-name


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn), or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the name of the portal that the instance belongs to.

The following option is optional:

[--instance | -i] instance-name

Specifies the ID of the instance to redeploy. Include to redeploy the specified instance. Omit to redeploy all Portal Server instances for this portal.

psadmin export


Exports the portal desktop, including the provider and channels, data.


Long Format

psadmin export --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file-name [--files-only] --portal portal-name [--dp-only] --type type [--dn dn] [--global] [--exportfile export_file_list] par-file-name

Short Format

psadmin export -u uid -f password-file-name [--files-only] -p portal-name [--dp-only] -t type [-d] [-g] [-x export_file_list] par-file-name


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or user ID (uid). Enclose value in double quotation marks if it includes spaces.

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies administrator's password in the password file.

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the portal name.

[--type | -t] type

Specifies the type of data to be exported. Supports two types: desktop and provider. Note that the provider type must be used for channel as well as provider data.

The following argument is required:


Specifies the name of the PAR file, located in the local host. If a PAR file with this name already exists, an error message is displayed.

The following options are optional:


Specifies to back up the desktop file system data only. Default is off.


Specifies to export the display profile data only. Default is off.

--export | -x export_file_list

Specifies a comma separated list of export files. Applicable only if type is provider which is used for exporting provider and/or channels data as specified in the export file. Each export file is a text file (.txt), corresponds to an entry (provider, channel, or provider/channel combination) in the .par file, and specifies the data to be inserted into the specified .par file. See supplement 37 PAR Export File Format for export file format.

--dn | -d dn

Specifies the distinguished node from where data is to be exported. Applicable only if type is provider. This option is mutually exclusive to --global.

--global | -g

Specifies the global level node to access the display profile document. Applicable only if type is provider. This option is mutually exclusive to --dn.


psadmin export -u amadmin --passwordfile /tmp/passwd -t desktop desktop.par

psadmin export -u amadmin --passwordfile /tmp/passwd -t provider -d "ou=DeveloperSample,dc=someplace,dc=siroe,dc=com" -x expfile1.txt,expfile2.txt desktop.par

psadmin import


Imports portal data. The import subcommand requires an archive file (PAR file) in the local system.


Long Format

psadmin import --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file-name [--files-only] --portal portal-name [--continue] [--dp-only] [--overwrite] [--dp-node dpnode] [--redeploy] [--operations operations-list] par-file-name

Short Format

psadmin import -u uid -f password-file-name [--files-only] -p portal-name [-c] [--overwrite] [--dp-only] [--dpnode dpnode] [-D] [-O operations-list] par-file-name


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the portal name.

The following argument is required:


Specifies the name of the PAR file, which is located in the local host.

The following options are optional:


Specifies to desktop file system data only. Default is off.

[--continue | -c]

Specifies that the import process should continue if errors indicate that the storage structure of the archive file and the current system differ. Default is false.


Specifies to import display profile data only. Default is off.


Specifies whether to overwrite the display profile document and file system files, if data already exists. Default is false.

If true, the data profile document is stored in the LDAP tree, replacing the original version, and file system data are overwritten. If false, the data profile document is combined with the data profile in the LDAP tree. File system data are not overwritten, if the same named file exists.


Specifies the base dn for the display profiles and service attributes to be imported. If the base dn is not specified, the display profile node defined inside the PAR file is used. If the PAR file does not provide a definition, the portal's default organization dn is used.

[--redeploy | -D]

Specifies whether to redeploy the Portal Server instances. By default, this is set to false.

[--operations | -O operations-list]

Specifies a space separated list of operations where each operation constitutes of | (pipe) separated list of keywords that can have values most of which are optional. This option is applicable only when the imported PAR file is of type provider. The operations list is in the following format:


If this option is not specified, the operations as specified in PS-AutoExtract entry in PAR file is used for import. For more information on the operations format, see supplement 38 Import Operations Format.


psadmin import -u amadmin --passwordfile /tmp/passwd dp_org.par

psadmin import -u amadmin --passwordfile /tmp/passwd --dpnode "ou=DeveloperSample,dc=someplace,dc=siroe,dc=com" -O ' "entry=mychannel|channel=anothername|avail=topcontainer" "entry=yourchannel|channel=anothername|avail=topcontainer" ' dp_providers.par

psadmin list-par


Used to describe a PAR file. The list-par subcommand requires a PAR file located in the local system. If none of the optional options are specified (see Options for more information), the list-par subcommand lists all the directories as specified in PAR file manifest.


Long Format

psadmin list-par --adminuser uid --passwordfile passwordFile --portal portal-name [--pbfiles-only] [--dp-only] [--war-only] [--static-only] par-file-name

Short Format

psadmin list-par -u uid -f passwordFile -p portal-name [--pbfiles-only] [--dp-only] [--war-only] [--static-only] par-file-name


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the portal name.

The following argument is required:


Specifies the name of the PAR file, which is located in the local host.

The following options are optional:


Specifies if only pbfiles directory is to be listed. By default, this is turned off.


Specifies if only WAR directory is to be listed. By default, this is turned off.


Specifies if only dp directory is to be listed. By default, this is turned off.


Specifies if only static directory is to be listed. By default, this is turned off.

psadmin schedule-tasks


Designates commands to be run at specified time.


Long Format

psadmin schedule-tasks --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file-name --commandfile command-file

Short Format

psadmin schedule-tasks -u uid -f password-file-name --commandfile command-file


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

The following options are optional:

--commandfile command-file

Specifies the full path of the command file that designates the names and execution schedules of commands.

The command format is command -options | day_of_week@hour:minute;day_of_week@hour:minute. For day_of_week, valid values are 0 for Sunday through 6 for Saturday. For hour, valid values are 0 through 23. For minute, valid values are 0 through 59.


psadmin schedule-tasks-a amadmin --passwordfile /tmp/passwd --commandfile file1

with the content of the file1 file as:

./psadmin export -u amadmin -f /tmp/password dp_org.par | 1@23:30 ;

psadmin unschedule-tasks


Cancels commands that are designated to run.


Long Format

psadmin unschedule-tasks --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file-name --commandfile command-file

Short Format

psadmin unschedule-tasks -u uid -f password-file-name --commandfile command-file


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

The following option is optional:

--commandfile command-file

Specifies the full path of the command file that designates the names and execution schedules of commands.

The command format is command -options | day_of_week@hour:minute;day_of_week@hour:minute. For day_of_week, valid values are 0 for Sunday through 6 for Saturday. For hour, valid values are 0 through 23. For minute, valid values are 0 through 59.


psadmin unschedule-tasks-u amadmin --passwordfile /tmp/passwd --commandfile file1

with the content of the file1 file as:

./psadmin export -u amadmin -f /tmp/password dp_org.par | 1@23:30 ;

psadmin set-domain-repository-password


Sets the password used by the Portal Administration Server instance to log into the portal domain repository.


Long Format

psadmin set-domain-repository-password --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file-name domainRepositoryPasswordFile

Short Format

psadmin set-domain-repository-password -u uid -f password-file-name domainRepositoryPasswordFile


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

The following argument is required:


Specifies the file that contains the portal domain repository password.

psadmin version


Provides Portal Server version information.


Long Format

psadmin --version [--display] [--patches] [--jar jar-file-name]

Short Format

psadmin -V -u uid -f password-file-name [--display] [--patches] [--jar jar-file-name]


The following options are optional:


Specifies whether to display the portal's version information. Default is true.


Specifies whether to list Portal Server patch information. Default is false.

--jar jar-file-name

Specifies whether to display the JAR file's version information.