Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or the user identification name (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--component | -m] component-name

Specifies the component name. Valid names are: producer, consumer, mobilemail, mobilecalendar, mobileaddressbook, gateway, netlet, proxylet, netfile, and subscriptions.

The following options are optional:

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the portal name. The --portal option is required when a portal-centric component attribute is being accessed. The following components are portal-centric and you must provide the --portal option for list, get, and set operations while using the following components: desktop, producer, consumer, and subscriptions. For all other components, do not use the -portal option since they are common to all portals.


Specifies that the attributes of a producer's consumer registration are listed instead of the attributes of a producer. This is used only when the component is producer.


Specifies that the attributes of a consumer's configured producer are listed instead of the attributes of a consumer. This is used only when the component is consumer.

[--gateway-profile] gateway-profile-name

Specifies the gateway profile name. This is used only when the component is gateway.