Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

psadmin set-attribute


The set-attribute subcommand sets the specified Mobile Access component attribute.


Long-Named Format

psadmin set-ma-addressbook-attribute--adminuser uid --passwordfile passwordfile --component componentname [--dn dn| -global | --org] --attribute attributename [--add <valuelist>] [--remove <valuelist>] <valuelist>

Short-Named Format

psadmin get-ma-addressbook-attribute -u uid -f passwordFile --component componentname [--dn dn | --g | --org] -a attributename [-A <valuelist>] [-E <valuelist>] <valuelist>


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u]

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name or the user identification name.

[--passwordfile | -f]

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.


Specifies the name of the component

[--dn | -d]

Specifies the name of the object. For example, user, organization, role to which this command can be applied.

[--gobal | -g]

Specifies the command can applied for global settings.


Specifies the command can applied for organizational settings.

[--attribute | -a]

Specifies the attribute for the value to be retrived.


Specifies the list of values that can be added to the attribute. This option is valid for attributes that hold list of values.


Specifies the list of values that can be removed from the attribute. This option is valid for attributes that hold list of values.


Specifies the value or the list of values that can be set to a specified attribute.