Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

psadmin delete-instance


Removes a Portal Server instance from the portal, configures the web container to remove the instance entry, including undeploying the Portal WAR.


Long Format

psadmin delete-instance --adminuser uid --passwordfile password-file-name --portal portal-name --instance instance-name

Short Format

psadmin delete-instance -u uid -f password-file-name -p portal-name -i instance-name


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn), or user ID (uid).

[--passwordFile | -f] password-file-name

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--instance | -i] instance-name

Specifies the name of the instance to remove.

[--portal | -p] portal-name

Specifies the name of the portal that the instance belongs to.