Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Using the Sample Configuration XML File

The Sun Java System Portal Server software includes twenty sample configuration XML files at:

/opt/SUNWportal/samples/psconfig directory for SPARC and x86

/opt/sun/portal/samples/psconfig directory for Linux

Note –

If portal is installed in a non-default location, these locations will relatively change.

The PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal/samples/psconfig/ReadMe.txt describe each example file. Read through this file to see which configuration example best suits your set up and replace the @TAGS@ (marked by @...@) after reviewing the default values specified in the example file. Create the required configuration XML file for the desired portal setup by modifying a selected configuration example.

Any of the configuration examples for the Web Server container can be adapted for Sun Java System Application Server or BEA WebLogic Application Server by replacing the <WebContainerProperties> element section and the @TAGS@ tokens after reviewing the default values. For example:

Examples 1, 3 to 9, and 13 are common configurations for the Sun Java System Web Server container. 

Example 14 is a configuration for the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 container 

Example 15 is a configuration for the BEA WebLogic container 

Multi portal configurations (see example 15) can be customized by:

  1. Including multiples instances of <PortalServer>, <Instance>, and <SearchServer> elements.

  2. Replacing the @TAGS@ tokens after reviewing the default values.