Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Basic Portal Configuration

XML Fragment

		<PortalServer PortalAccessURL="http://@HOST.DOMAIN@:@PORT@/portal"
			<Instance InstanceID="myInstance">

Tokens to Replace


The host and domain name of the machine on which portal is to be configured.


Web container port at which portal has to be deployed

Values to Modify

PortalConfiguration PortalServer PortalAccessURL (optional)

If the DEPLOY URI is non-default, change /portal to the changed URI value.

PortalConfiguration PortalServer PortalWebappURI (optional)

If the DEPLOY URI is non-default, change, /portal to the changed URI value. In case of non-default DEPLOY URI, ensure that both PortalAccessURL and PortalWebappURI are specified in the configuration XML file.

PortalConfiguration PortalServer PortalID

Change myPortal to the required portal ID, which should be unique.

PortalConfiguration PortalServer Instance InstanceID

Change myInstance to the required instance ID, which should be unique.

PortalConfiguration PortalServer SearchServerID (optional)

Specifies which Search Server this portal samples are configured with. This is needed only if samples are configured.