Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

ProcedureTo Upgrade to Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Software

  1. Go to the directory where you have downloaded the 2005Q4 software and unzip the file.

  2. Type the following on the command line:

    cd PS_Install_Image/portalserver/

    This will install this version of the Portal Server software.

  3. Go to PortalServer7-base/portal_svr/Tools/upgrade/bin directory and type ./psupgrade.

    The upgrade script will require you to provide the following:

    • Access Manager server administrator's password.

    • Access Manager ldapuser password

    • Directory Server Directory Manager password.

    • Web container administrator's password.

    • Web container Master Password in case of Application Server 8.1 for Portal Server software installation.

    • Web container certificate database password if Secure Remote Access was previously installed on this machine.

    • Secure Remote Access log user password if Secure Remote Access or its constituents were previously installed on this machine.

    When you upgrade, the upgraded Portal Server installation will be at PortalServer7-base/SUNWportal directory.

  4. Install theAccess Manager software patches, 119465-02 and 119466-02 (for Solaris on SPARC and x86), on the machine where Access Manager is installed and restart the Access Manager server.

  5. Restart the Portal Server web container and Gateway (if Gateway was installed and upgraded).