Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Pre-Installation Requirements

Hardware and Operating System Requirements

Table 1–1 Hardware and Operating System Requirements


Platform Requirement 

Supported Platforms 

Sun UltraTM 60 or Sun Blade comparable or better workstation or server

Operating System 

SolarisTM 8 or SolarisTM 9 U6 or SolarisTM 10 on SPARC

SolarisTM 9 or SolarisTM 10 on x86

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 or 3.0 Update 3 on x86 


1024 Mbytes of RAM for evaluation install 

1.5 Gbytes of RAM for regular deployment on Sun Java System Web Server and BEA WebLogic Server 

2.0 Gbytes of RAM for regular deployment on Sun Java System Application Server 

Disk Space 

1 Gbyte of disk space for Portal Server and associated applications 

Swap Space 

The swap space of the machine should be twice of its physical memory. For example, in case of a 2.0 Gbytes RAM, the swap space should be 4.0 Gbytes. 

Note –

The Sun Java Enterprise System 4 Directory Server installation fails on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 Update 2 leading to Portal Server installation failure.

Software Requirements

The Portal Server software requires the following stack components:

The sun-soarsdk rpm (registry server sdk rpm) is not relocatable; so, do not choose non-default locations for registry on Linux.

For detailed instructions for installing the stack components, see the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference.

Before You Begin

This sections includes the following:

Miscellaneous Checks

  1. If the install system does not have direct connectivity to the internet, an HTTP proxy needs to be specified. For example, for Sun Java System Application Server, specify the following in the domain.xml file:


    Here, Proxy-Host is the fully-qualified domain name of the proxy host, Proxy-Port is the port on which the proxy is run, and PortalServer-Host is the fully-qualified domain name of the Portal Server software host.

  2. Execute the command prtconf | grep Memory to check RAM.

  3. Use the command df -lk to see how much swap space your machine has. To temporarily increase your swap space by 4 Gbytes, you can use the following instructions:

    > mkfile 4g /fourGigXtraSwap
    > swap -a /fourGigXtraSwap

Installing On Linux

Installing on an Application Server

If you are configuring the Sun Java System Application Server or BEA WebLogic Server for session failover (see Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 High Availability Administration Guide and Replication and Failover for Servlets and JSPs respectively), note that the Portal Server software must be installed on a non-default server. To install on a non-default server, see instructions below.