Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement

Installing and Configuring the SharedTasks Portlet

ProcedureTo Install and Configure the SharedTasks Portlet

Before You Begin

Configure the back-end services as outlined in supplement Chapter 16, Configuring Back-end Services.

  1. Create the portlet WAR file.

    To create the WAR file:

    1. Edit the file to specify customizable parameters for the portlet you are deploying.

      Shared Events defines the following tokens:


      Default value is CTY-SHARED-EVENTS.

      Specifies the name of SSO Adapter configuration template name. This template contains the required configuration information for the portlet functioning. This template is per-portlet application; that is, the name should be different for each deployed portlet instance.



      Default value is CTY-SHARED-EVENTS.

      Contains the description for SSO Adapter template. This needs to be the same as SSOADAPTER_TEMPLATE_NAME for the template to be editable from Access Manager console.



      Specifies the distinguished node of organization under which the SSO Adapter template is loaded.

      For example, o=CommunitySample,dc=siroe,dc=example,dc=com.


      Specifies the fully qualified name of the system where Delegated Administration server is running.

      For example,


      Default value is 80.

      Specifies the port number of the Delegated Administration server.

      For example, 80.


      Default value is @.

      Specifies the user ID and Domain Separater character.

      For example, @.


      Specifies the admin user for Delegated Administration that can be used to perform proxy authentication of users.

      For example, admin.


      Specifies the password for DA_ADMIN_USER_ID.

      For example, abc123.


      Specifies the DNS Domain Name of the organization where the CTY-PROXY-USER would be provisioned.

      For example,


      Default value is false.

      Specifies whether the portlet should use a hosted domains environment.

      Note –

      If the Delegated Administration server and Calendar Server are configured to use hosted domains setup, the value needs to be set to true.

      For example, false


      Specifies the fully qualified name of the system where Calendar Server is running.

      For example,


      Default value is 3080.

      Specifies the port Number of Calendar Server.

      For example, 3080.


      Specifies the admin user for Calendar Server that can be used to perform proxy authentication of users.

      For example, calmaster.


      Specifies the password for CALENDAR_PROXY_ADMIN_UID.

      For example, calmaster.


      Default value is false.

      Specifies whether the portlet should delete the CTY-PROXY-USER when a community is deleted. The CTY-PROXY-USER is the community proxy user, a user created by the Shared Tasks portlet

      For example, false.


      Specifies the distinguished name of the administrator for Access Manager software.

      For example, uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=blue,dc=planet,dc=com


      Specifies the password for AM_ADMINISTRATOR_DN.

      For example, abc123.


      Default value is /opt/SUNWam/bin/amadmin.

      Specifies the fully qualified path name to the amadmin CLI of Access Manager.

      For example, /opt/sun/am/bin/amadmin.

    2. Run ant customize.

      After Portal Server software has been installed, the Shared Tasks application will be under the /opt/SUNWportal/portletapps/sharedtasks directory. If Portal Server has been configured, the shared tasks application will be in /var/opt/SUNWportal/portletapps/sharedtasks directory.

  2. Load SSO Adapter Template.

    Change directories to /var/opt/SUNWportal/portletapps/sharedtasks/build/conf directory and type ant -f config.xml to load the SSO Adapter configuration.

  3. Deploy the Portlets.

    1. Create a file containing the password of the amadmin user. For example, type, echo mypassword >/tmp/ampasswd.

    2. Type /opt/SUNWportal/bin/psadmin deploy-portlet -u amadmin -f /tmp/ampassword -p myPortal -v -i myInstance -g FULL_PATH_TO_sharedevents.war_FILE --userinfofile

    3. Restart the container.

  4. Add the Display Profile data to the templates.

    The Shared Tasks portlet must be added to the Community templates to show up in new communities (created after the application has been installed). The template files are located at /var/opt/SUNWportal/portals/myPortal/communitytemplates/ by default. Add the DP to the member.xml file in the template's directory.

    For Shared Tasks, do the following:

    1. Add your new channel to the available ones.

      <Reference value="%COMMUNITY_CONTAINER%/Sharedtasks"/>
    2. Add your new channel to the selected ones.

      <Reference value="%COMMUNITY_CONTAINER%/Sharedtasks"/>
    3. Add the channel definition.

      <Channel name="Sharedtasks" provider="_Portlet__sharedtasks.sharedtasks">
      		<String name="title" value="Community Calendar Tasks"/>
      		<String name="description" value="Community Tasks Portlet"/>
      		<String name="width" value="thick"/>
      		<String name="__Portlet__ps.communityId" value="|DUMMY"/>
      		<String name="__Portlet__community.calendar.config" value="|DUMMY"/>
      		<Collection name="__Portlet__PreferenceProperties">
      			<Collection name="default">
      				<String name="ps.communityId" value="|DUMMY"/>
      				<String name="community.calendar.config" value="|DUMMY"/>
      			<Collection name="isReadOnly">
      				<Boolean name="ps.communityId" value="false"/>
      				<Boolean name="community.calendar.config" value="false"/>
      		<Collection  name="userInfoDescriptions">
      			<Collection name="timezone">
      				<String name="en-US" value="Preferred User Time Zone"/>
  5. Restart the web container.

  6. Login and verify that the service channel is displayed on your desktop.

    1. Go to http://HOST:PORT/portal/dt and select Community Samples.

    2. Login as test/test and create a new community. Then log out.

    3. Login to the community portal as test/test.

      The Shared Tasks portlet will be displayed.