Sun Java System Portal Server 7 2005Q4 Release Note Supplement


The following options are required:

[--adminuser | -u] uid

Specifies the administrator's distinguished name (dn) or the user ID (uid).

[--passwordfile | -f] password-filename

Specifies the administrator's password in the password file.

[--template | -M] template-name

Specifies which SSO adapter template the new property is assigned to.

[--type | -t] [admin | user]

Specifies the type of the new property.

[--name | -N] property-name

Specifies the name of the new property.

The following options are optional:

[--value | -e] property-value

Specifies the value of the property. This option is used only while creating an admin type property

[--encrypt | -Y]

Specifies whether the property value will be stored in encrypt form.