Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Installation Guide

Problems starting the Configuration Agent

If the Configuration Agent cannot be started and you are satisfied that you have configured and enabled the Configuration Agent, you need to consult the log files. The following sections describe the most common errors for this problem.

Invalid or inaccessible Agent Data Directory

The Configuration Agent Data Directory is created and used by the Agent to store log files, policy caches, and so on. The default location for this directory is /var/opt/apoc.

The Configuration Agent produces the following error message in the smf(5) logs when the Data Directory is set to an inaccessible location, that is, /dev/null/cant/write/here. To solve this problem, use the Configuration Agent Wizard (/usr/bin/apoc-config) to point the Data Directory to an accessible location.

[ Nov 17 14:35:38 Executing start method ("/usr/lib/apoc/apocd svcStart") ]
Starting Configuration Agent ... Warning: Cannot create Log directory
Warning:Failed to create log file handler
Nov 17, 2005 2:35:39 PM com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCLogger config
CONFIG: Daemon configuration:
 MaxRequestSize = 4096
 DaemonAdminPort = 38901
 ThreadTimeToLive = 5
 DaemonChangeDetectionInterval = 10
 IdleThreadDetectionInterval = 15
 DataDir = /dev/null/cant/write/here
 ApplyLocalPolicy = true
 ChangeDetectionInterval = 60
 MaxClientConnections = 50
 GarbageCollectionInterval = 10080
 InitialChangeDetectionDelay = 10
 TimeToLive = 10080
 ConnectionReadTimeout = 5000
 DaemonPort = 38900
 LogLevel = FINEST
 MaxClientThreads = 5

Nov 17, 2005 2:35:39 PM Daemon main
    at com.sun.apoc.daemon.apocd.Daemon.initAuthDir(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.apoc.daemon.apocd.Daemon.init(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.apoc.daemon.apocd.Daemon.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.apoc.daemon.apocd.Daemon.main(Unknown Source)
[ Nov 17 14:36:08 Method or service exit timed out.  Killing contract 980 ]
[ Nov 17 14:36:08 Method "start" failed due to signal KILL ]

Using a client request port that's already busy

The Configuration Agent uses TCP/IP socket connections to communicate with desktop client applications. By default, these connections are made through port 38900.

The following error message is produced when the Configuration Agent is configured to use port 1234, which is already in use by another service. The error message is recorded in the Configuration Agent Logs. To solve this problem, use the Configuration Agent Wizard (/usr/bin/apoc-config) to change the Agent Port setting to a port number which is not in use.

Nov 17, 2005 2:50:59 PM com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCLogger config
CONFIG: Daemon configuration:
 MaxRequestSize = 4096
 DaemonAdminPort = 38901
 ThreadTimeToLive = 5
 DaemonChangeDetectionInterval = 10
 IdleThreadDetectionInterval = 15
 DataDir = /var/opt/apoc
 ApplyLocalPolicy = true
 ChangeDetectionInterval = 60
 MaxClientConnections = 50
 GarbageCollectionInterval = 10080
 InitialChangeDetectionDelay = 10
 TimeToLive = 10080
 ConnectionReadTimeout = 5000
 DaemonPort = 1234
 LogLevel = FINEST
 MaxClientThreads = 5

Nov 17, 2005 2:50:59 PM com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCLogger info
INFO: Daemon starting
Nov 17, 2005 2:50:59 PM com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCLogger fine
FINE: Garbage collection scheduled ( interval = 10080 minutes )
Nov 17, 2005 2:50:59 PM Daemon main
com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCException: Address already in use
    at com.sun.apoc.daemon.transport.ChannelManager.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at com.sun.apoc.daemon.apocd.Daemon.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: Address already in use
    at Method)

Using an administration port that's already busy

The Configuration Agent uses TCP/IP socket connections to communicate with the Configuration Agent controller program (/usr/lib/apoc/apocd). By default, these connections are made through port 38901.

The following error message occurs in the Configuration Agent logs when the Configuration Agent is configured to use port 1234, which is already in use by another service. To solve this problem, use the Configuration Agent Wizard (/usr/bin/apoc-config) to change the Administration Port setting to a port number which is not in use.

ONFIG: Daemon configuration:
 MaxRequestSize = 4096
 DaemonAdminPort = 1234
 ThreadTimeToLive = 5
 DaemonChangeDetectionInterval = 10
 IdleThreadDetectionInterval = 15
 DataDir = /var/opt/apoc
 ApplyLocalPolicy = true
 ChangeDetectionInterval = 60
 MaxClientConnections = 50
 GarbageCollectionInterval = 10080
 InitialChangeDetectionDelay = 10
 TimeToLive = 10080
 ConnectionReadTimeout = 5000
 DaemonPort = 38900
 LogLevel = FINEST
 MaxClientThreads = 5

Nov 17, 2005 2:55:11 PM com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCLogger info
INFO: Daemon starting
Nov 17, 2005 2:55:11 PM com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCLogger fine
FINE: Garbage collection scheduled ( interval = 10080 minutes )
Nov 17, 2005 2:55:11 PM com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCLogger fine
FINE: Client manager started
Nov 17, 2005 2:55:11 PM com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCLogger fine
FINE: Channel manager started
Nov 17, 2005 2:55:11 PM Daemon main
com.sun.apoc.daemon.misc.APOCException: Address already in use
    at com.sun.apoc.daemon.admin.AdminManager.initChannel(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.apoc.daemon.admin.AdminManager.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at com.sun.apoc.daemon.apocd.Daemon.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: Address already in use
    at Method)
    ... 4 more