Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Administration Guide


Unassigns a profile from an element.


remove [--scope=<user|host>] [--entity=<entity>] <profile name> <target entity>

--scope=<user|host> : the scope for the profile, which can be either user or host. If not specified, then defaults to the user scope.

--entity=<entity> : the element where the profile is located. If not specified, then defaults to root organization or domain element, depending on the --scope option.

<profile name> : the name of the profile to unassign from the target element.

<target entity>: the element to from which to unassign the profile.

Example 3–9 Unassigning a profile from an element

% pgtool remove UserProfile1 cn=Role1,o=staff,o=apoc

The profile “UserProfile1” located in root organization was unassigned from the element “cn=Role1,o=staff,o=apoc”.