Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Community Sample Guide

Community Sample Portal Channels

This section includes description of the community:

Community Services

A community service is an application that runs in a community context to provide per-community collaborative functions to end-users. Community services are portlets or providers. The Portal Server includes the following community services:

File sharing

The File sharing (JSF-based) application offer a hierarchical view of a file repository similar to File System browsing applications provided by the OS. Through this hierarchical view, the user can browse the repository, download files, upload files, create folders, delete and rename files and folders, copy and move files and folders. All these user interactions are done through a portlet.

This service can be customized by modifying the defaulttheme.jar file (see Chapter 9, Customizing Sun Java Web User Interface Theme) and default deployment values can be modified in the file (see Appendix F, Tokens for File Sharing Portlet).


The Survey (JSF-based) application allows users to create surveys for the community, answer the surveys , then review and search survey results in the portlet. There are two types of users for the Survey portlet application: end user and community administrator. All members of a community can create a survey.

This service can be customized by modifying the defaulttheme.jar file (see Chapter 9, Customizing Sun Java Web User Interface Theme) and default deployment values can be modified in the file (see Appendix E, Tokens for Surveys and Polls Portlet).


The Poll (JSF-based) application allows users to create polls for the community, answer the polls, then review and search poll results in the portlet. There are two types of users for the Poll portlet application: end user and community administrator. All members of a community can create a poll.

This service can be customized by modifying the defaulttheme.jar file (see Chapter 9, Customizing Sun Java Web User Interface Theme) and default deployment values can be modified in the file (see Appendix E, Tokens for Surveys and Polls Portlet).

Shared Events

The Shared Events application allows users to create, update, delete, search Calendar events for the community this portlet serves. The portlet allows users to create, retrieve, update, and delete Calendar events. Only users within the community have access to the shared calendar associated to the community.

This service can be customized by modifying the defaulttheme.jar file (see Chapter 9, Customizing Sun Java Web User Interface Theme) and default deployment values can be modified in the file (see Appendix D, Tokens for Shared Events Portlet).

Shared Tasks

The Shared Tasks (JSF-based) application allows users to create, update, delete, search Calendar tasks for the community this portlet serves. The portlet allow users to perform create, retrieve, update, and delete operations on Calendar tasks. Only users within the community have access to the shared calendar associated to the community.

This service can be customized by modifying the defaulttheme.jar file (see Chapter 9, Customizing Sun Java Web User Interface Theme) and default deployment values can be modified in the file (see Appendix C, Tokens for Shared Tasks Portlet).


The Search service allows community users to search for content within a community. This channel is provider-based.


This application allows discussions in the context of the community. It also supports HTML discussions with links. This channel is provider-based.


This application allows community user's to subscribe to discussions out of the community discussion channel, and to save searches from the community search channel. It differs from the developer sample, in that it does not allow category subscriptions. This channel is provider-based.


This application supports wiki-based communities and portlets. An entire community can be set up as a wiki (with portlets within it) and single portlets within a community can also be wikis. The wiki portlet supports both text and HTML modes. An HTML wiki uses the Xinha HTML editor and includes a portlet picker for easy selection of portlets to include within a wiki page. The Wiki can be configured to use either files or database at the back-end. The Developer Sample desktop also uses a wiki portlet in its wiki tab.

The Wiki portlet uses JSPWiki ( and the HTML editor uses Xinha (

For more information on:

Most of these services use Sun Java Web User Interface Components. These services allow for customizations through modifications to stylesheet. See Chapter 9, Customizing Sun Java Web User Interface Theme for more information.

Community Portlets

The community portlets bundled with the Portal Server implement the community infrastructure.

Community portlet

This application allows users to create communities

Role Management portlet

This application lists all registered members of the community and allows the community owner to add and delete users from the community. Community owners can also transfer ownership of the community to a registered member through this portlet. Only community owners are given access to the Role management portlet and can delete a community. Registered users can join any community and leave a community at any time.