Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Delete a Job

  1. Log in to the N1 System Manager.

    See To Access the N1 System Manager Command Line for details.

  2. Determine the job you want to delete.

    N1-ok> show job all

    All jobs and job IDs appear in the output.

    See show job in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Command Line Reference Manual for details.

  3. Delete the desired job.

    N1-ok> delete job job

    The job is deleted.

    See delete job in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Command Line Reference Manual for details.

  4. Verify that the job was deleted.

    N1-ok> show job all

    The deleted job should not appear in the output.

    See show job in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Command Line Reference Manual for details.

Example 6–16 Deleting a Job

This example shows how to delete a job.

First, the show job command is used with the all option, which lists all jobs in descending order.

N1-ok> show job all
Job ID     Date                       Type                Status        Creator
7          2005-02-16T10:51:07-0700   Discovery           Completed     root
6          2005-02-14T14:42:52-0700   Server Reboot       Error         root
5          2005-02-14T14:38:25-0700   Server Power On     Completed     root
4          2005-02-14T14:29:20-0700   Server Power Off    Completed     root
3          2005-02-09T13:01:35-0700   Discovery           Completed     root
2          2005-02-09T12:38:16-0700   Discovery           Completed     root
1          2005-02-09T10:32:40-0700   Discovery           Completed     root

Job ID 6 has an error and can be deleted. The delete job command is now used with the Job ID of the job to be deleted.

N1-ok> delete job 6

The show job command is used again with the all option, which lists all jobs in descending order. The deleted job no longer appears on the list.

N1-ok> show job all
Job ID     Date                       Type               Status        Creator
7          2005-02-16T10:51:07-0700   Discovery          Completed     root
5          2005-02-14T14:38:25-0700   Server Power On    Completed     root
4          2005-02-14T14:29:20-0700   Server Power Off   Completed     root
3          2005-02-09T13:01:35-0700   Discovery          Completed     root
2          2005-02-09T12:38:16-0700   Discovery          Completed     root
1          2005-02-09T10:32:40-0700   Discovery          Completed     root

Example 6–17 Deleting All Jobs

This example shows how to delete all jobs.

First, the show job command is used with the all option, which lists all jobs in descending order.

N1-ok> show job all
Job ID     Date                       Type               Status        Creator
7          2005-09-16T10:51:07-0700   Discovery          Completed     root
6          2005-09-14T14:42:52-0700   Server Reboot      Error         root
5          2005-09-14T14:38:25-0700   Server Power On    Completed     root
4          2005-09-14T14:29:20-0700   Server Power Off   Completed     root
3          2005-09-09T13:01:35-0700   Discovery          Running       root
2          2005-09-09T12:38:16-0700   Discovery          Completed     root
1          2005-09-09T10:32:40-0700   Discovery          Completed     root

The delete job command is now used with the all option, to delete all jobs.

N1-ok> delete job all

Unable to delete job "3"

The show job command is used with the all option, to confirm whether all jobs were successfully deleted.

N1-ok> show job all
Job ID     Date                       Type             Status     Creator
3          2005-09-09T13:01:35-0700   Discovery        Running    root

Job ID 3 is still running. This is because jobs that were in a running state when the delete job command was issued must finish running, or must be stopped, before they can be deleted.

To stop the job and then delete it, first the stop job command is used with the ID of the job to be stopped.

N1-ok> stop job 3

Stop Job "3" request received.

The show job command is used to confirm that the job has been stopped.

N1-ok> show job all
Job ID     Date                       Type             Status        Creator
3          2005-09-09T13:02:35-0700   Discovery        Aborted       root

The job has been stopped while running and is in the aborted state. The delete job command is now used with the all option, to delete all jobs.

N1-ok> delete job all

The show job command is used to confirm that all jobs have now been deleted.

N1-ok> show job all
Job ID     Date                      Type              Status        Creator