Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Grid Engine Provisioning and Monitoring Guide

ProcedureTo Create an N1GE Application Profile

Before You Begin

After you create the N1GE version, you create an application profile and associate it with the version. This profile is sort of like a configuration file for an N1GE version (although it is actually a set of database values). The profile specifies attributes like which TCP port to use for the N1GE execd daemon or the threshold values that will provoke a warning when exceeded.

You can have several application profiles associated with a version but only one profile can be active for a grid at any particular time. It is the application profile that you specify when you deploy N1GE onto a managed server.

Tip –

This functionality is similar to that provided by the Settings menu choice of the GEMM application.

Note –

The actual role that a server plays in a grid (master host and so forth) is not an application profile attribute. You define that role when you load the application profile onto the targeted server.

  1. Access the N1SM CLI (see Accessing the N1SM CLI).

  2. Use the following command to create an application profile. If you are satisfied with the default N1GE attributes, you do not have to specify them explicitly. The syntax for this command is:

    create applicationprofile applicationprofile application application type GridEngine
    [N1GE-Attribute attributevalue, N1GE-Attribute attributevalue, ...]

    A unique name for the application profile that will be used to provision the various N1GE servers.


    The name of the particular N1GE version to associate with this application profile. This value is the name you specified with the create application command.


    The type of application that the profile belongs to; in this case, GridEngine.


    The specific N1GE attribute you want to define.

    N1GE ATTRIBUTES — These attributes define how an application version will be deployed and function when the profile they belong to becomes active. You can have several application profiles but only one profile can be active for a grid at any particular time.

    • adminhomedir – The home directory of the N1GE admin user. Default value is /gridware/sge.

    • adminuid – The UID of the N1GE admin user. Default value is 218.

    • adminusernameThe user name of the N1GE admin user. Default value is sgeadmin.

    • execdport – The TCP port to use for the N1GE execd daemon. Default value is 837.

    • instversion – The version of N1GE that will be deployed on the compute and submit hosts. There is no default value.

    • lnxnfsmtopts – The options used when mounting the common directory onto a Linux compute or submit host. The value in this field is inserted into the Linux /etc/fstab file on each host as: nfsservername:nfsmountpoint nfsmountpoint nfs lnxnfsmtopts 0 0. Default value is intr,softload. This value cannot contain spaces.

    • loadcritical – Use this parameter to specify the load critical threshold. If this threshold is exceeded, a load critical alert appears in the Monitor. Similar to the Load Warning parameter, you set this parameter in terms of the system load scaled by number of CPUs. Default value is 3.00.

    • loadwarning – Use this parameter to specify the load warning threshold. If this threshold is exceeded, a load warning alert appears in the Monitor. The value is in terms of system load, as reported by the OS, divided by the number of CPUs. Default value is 1.00.

    • masterport – The CP port to use for the N1GE qmaster daemon. Default value is 836.

    • maxpendtime – Use this parameter to specify the amount of time that a job spends pending after which a Job Pending alert appears in the Monitor. You set the value in hours. Default value is 24.

    • memcritical – Use this parameter to set the memory critical threshold. If the value drops below this threshold, a memory critical alert appears in the Monitor. You set the value in terms of megabytes of free virtual memory. Default value is 10.

    • memwarning – Use this parameter to set the memory warning threshold. If the value drops below this threshold, a memory warning alert appears in the Monitor. You set the parameter value in terms of megabytes of free virtual memory. Default value is 100.

    • nfsmountpoint – The directory that is mounted from the NFS server for the N1GE common directory. When deploying the master host using N1GE, this value is set automatically to sgeroot/sgecell/common. Once you deploy the master host, you cannot edit this value and it remains in effect for all further deployments of compute and submit hosts. You can edit this setting again only if you uninstall the master host. Default value is /gridware/sge/default/common.

    • nfsservername – The name of the NFS server from which all compute and submit hosts will mount the N1GE “common” directory. When you deploy the master host using N1GE, this parameter is set automatically to the master host. Once you deploy the master host, you cannot edit this value and it remains in effect for all further deployments of compute and submit hosts. You can edit this setting again only if you uninstall the master host. There is no default value.

    • proxyhost – Indicates the host on which monitoring commands are executed. If the master host has been previously deployed using N1GE, then the proxy host is set to this host and cannot be changed until the master is uninstalled. The host you chose must be an N1GE admin host; otherwise, installation and uninstallation of other hosts, as well as monitoring, could fail. There is no default value.

    • sgecell – The N1GE cell name used for the deployment. Default value is default.

    • sgeroot – The root directory under which the N1GE files will be installed. The files will be installed on all hosts in this directory. Default value is /gridware/sge.

    • solnfsmtopts – The options used when mounting the “common” directory onto a Solaris compute or submit host. The value in this field is inserted into the Solaris /etc/vfstab file on each host as: nfsservername:nfsmountpoint nfsmountpoint nfs -yes solnfsmtopts. There is no default value. This value cannot contain spaces.

Example 2–4 Create an Application Profile

N1-ok>create applicationprofile N1GE6_U4_Profile application GE6U4 type GridEngine