Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Grid Engine Provisioning and Monitoring Guide

ProcedureTo View Available N1GE Versions

You use the show application command to list all the available N1GE versions or detailed information about a specific version like the file list.

  1. Access the N1SM CLI (see Accessing the N1SM CLI).

  2. To list all the available N1GE versions use this command:

    show application all type GridEngine
  3. To list detailed information about a specific N1GE version use this command:

    show application application type GridEngine

    List all the available N1GE versions.


    The name of an N1GE versions.


    The type of application; in this case, GridEngine.

Example 2–2 Show N1GE Versions

N1-ok>show application all type GridEngine

N1-ok>show application N1GE6_U4 type GridEngine