file – Specify a fully qualified path to an XML file containing server MAC addresses. For details about creating this file, refer to the “Discovering Servers” chapter in the Sun N1 System Manager Discovery and Administration Guide.
format – The type of discovery to perform. Valid values are ip and file.
ip – Specify the management or provisioning network IP addresses of the servers you want to discover. You can specify multiple instances of ip, separated by commas, in one of the following ways:
ip-address – A single IP address.
ip-address–ip-address – A range of IP addresses. Example:
subnet/mask-length – A subnet with a mask length. Example: 10.0.8/24 or
group – The name of a server group in which to add the discovered servers. If the server group does not exist, it will be created during the discovery.
ipmi – Specify the IPMI credentials used to authenticate the discovery process based on the server's network IP address. The ipmi value is an IPMI user name/password pair. If IPMI credentials are not specified and a Sun Fire V20z or Sun Fire V40z server is in the factory default state, the discovery process sets the server's IPMI user/password to Null/admin. The default IPMI credentials used for discovery depend on your server model.
You can type a question mark (?) if you do not want the password to display in the command line. Once you issue the command, you are prompted for the user name/password.
snmp – Specify the SNMP credentials used to authenticate the discovery process based on the server's network IP address. The snmp format is a read community string for the SNMP credentials. The default SNMP read community string is public.
ssh – Specify the SSH credentials used to authenticate the discovery process based on the server's network IP address. The ssh format is a user name/password pair for SSH credentials: ssh-username/ssh-password. If SSH credentials are not specified and a Sun Fire V20z or Sun Fire V40z server is in the factory default state, the discovery process sets the server's SSH user name/password to admin/admin. The default SSH credentials used for discovery depend on your server model.
You can type a question mark (?) if you do not want the password to display in the command line. Once you issue the command, you are prompted for the user name/password.
telnet – Specify the telnet credentials used to authenticate the discovery process based on server's network IP address. The telnet credential is used only by ALOM-based systems. The telnet format is a user name/password pair for telnet credentials: telnet-username/telnet-password. The default telnet credentials used for discovery depend on your server model.
You can type a question mark (?) if you do not want the password to display in the command line. Once you issue the command, you are prompted for the user name/password.