Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 What's New

Managing a Sun Blade 8000 Modular System

N1 System Manager supports all of the Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules in the Sun Blade 8000 Chassis as a managed group of servers. This section provides procedures for managing a Sun Blade 8000 Modular System.

N1 System Manager supports all of the Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules in the Sun Blade 8000 Chassis as a managed group of servers.

Sun Blade 8000 Chassis is assigned the name cmm-chassisID, where chassisID is the ID of the chassis. This ID is factory assigned.

N1 System Manager can be used to discover and manage the Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules in the chassis.

N1 System Manager cannot be used to discover and manage the Sun Blade 8000 Chassis.

Chassis Group Operation Restrictions

Using N1 System Manager, groups of Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules in the chassis can be managed as groups of servers in the same way as described in Chapter 5, Managing Servers and Server Groups, in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide. All group operations are supported, except for the following:

Launching the ILOM Web GUI for Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules

This section describes how to launch the ILOM Web GUI that enables you to manage the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System from the N1 System Manager browser interface.

ProcedureTo Launch the ILOM Web GUI

Before You Begin

You must already have discovered any installed Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules.

You must know the complete URL and the login and password of an account on the SC. By default, you can enter the IP address of the CMM as configured in Configuring the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System.

  1. In the N1 System Manager browser interface, choose the Launch ILOM Web GUI option from the Actions list in the System Dashboard.

  2. Edit the URL if it needs to be changed.

    The first time you launch the ILOM Web GUI, you are prompted for the URL of the SC for the ILOM Web GUI. Subsequently, each time you launch the ILOM Web GUI, you are prompted to verify the URL you previously entered.

Moving and Replacing Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules

This section provides procedures for moving a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module in a Sun Blade 8000 Chassis, and for replacing Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules in a Sun Blade 8000 Chassis.

For general information about moving and replacing Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules, see the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System hardware documentation. For troubleshooting information related to the network boot list, see Troubleshooting Guidelines and Logs in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide.

ProcedureTo Move a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module From One Sun Blade 8000 Chassis to Another Chassis

Before You Begin

You must already have discovered the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module that you want to move.

  1. Open the ILOM Web GUI for the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module that you want to move.

    See Connecting to the Sun ILOM Web GUI for a Managed Server in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide for details.

  2. Prepare the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module for a safe removal.

    See the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System documentation for details.

  3. Physically move the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module to the target Sun Blade 8000 Chassis.

    See the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System documentation for details.

  4. Use the set server command with the refresh subcommand to register the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module in its new Sun Blade 8000 Chassis.

    You can also do perform this action by choosing the Refresh action for the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module in the browser interface.

  5. In the browser interface, verify that the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module appears in its new Sun Blade 8000 Chassis.

ProcedureTo Add a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module to a Partially Populated Sun Blade 8000 Chassis

  1. Physically add the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module server to the partially populated target Sun Blade 8000 Chassis.

    See the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System documentation for details.

  2. Discover the new Sun Blade X8400 Server Module.

    See Discovering the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System And Any Installed Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules for details.

  3. In the browser interface, verify that the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module appears in its new Sun Blade 8000 Chassis.

ProcedureTo Remove a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module From a Sun Blade 8000 Chassis and Delete it From N1 System Manager

  1. Open the ILOM Web GUI for the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module that you want to move.

    See Connecting to the Sun ILOM Web GUI for a Managed Server in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide for details.

  2. Prepare the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module for a safe removal.

    See the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System documentation for details.

  3. Use the delete server command with the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module name to delete the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module from N1 System Manager.

    See delete server in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Command Line Reference Manual for details.