Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide

Regenerating Common Agent Container Security Keys

This section provides the procedure for regenerating the N1 System Manager security keys.

ProcedureTo Regenerate Common Agent Container Security Keys

  1. Log in as root (su - root) on the management server.

  2. Stop N1 System Manager.

    • On a Solaris OS management server, type svcadm disable -s n1sm.

    • On a Linux management server, type /etc/init.d/n1sminit stop. Wait for all process to stop.

    Wait for all processes to stop before continuing.

  3. Regenerate security keys using the create-keys subcommand.

    If the management server is running Linux:

    # /opt/sun/cacao/bin/cacaoadm create-keys --force

    If the management server is running the Solaris OS:

    # /opt/SUNWcacao/bin/cacaoadm create-keys --force
  4. Restart the N1 System Manager.

    • On a Solaris OS management server, type svcadm enable n1sm.

    • On a Linux management server, type /etc/init.d/n1sminit start.

      Wait for all processes to stop.