Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide

Unload Server and Unload Group Failures

The following are possible causes for failures related to the commands unload server server-name update update-name and unload group group-name update update-name.

Removal of <SUNWssmu> was suspended (interaction required)


This message indicates a failed dependency for uninstalling a Solaris OS package. Check the admin file setting and provide an appropriate response file.

Job step failure without error details


This message might indicate that the job was not successfully started internally. Contact a Sun Service Representative for more information.

Job step failure with vague error details: Connection to 10.0.0.xx


This message might indicate that the uninstall failed because some packages were not fully installed. In this case, manually install the package in question on the target server. For example:

To manually install a .pkg file, type the following command:

# pkgadd -d pkg-name  -a admin-file

To manually install a patch, type the following command:

# patchadd -d patch-name -a admin-file

Then, run the unload command again.

Job hangs


If the job appears to hang, type n1sh stop job job-ID to stop the job.

Next, find the PID of the PKG and use the pkill command to kill the process. For example:

# ps -ef |grep pkgadd
root 1235 913 0 Jun 07 ? 0:0 pkgadd
# pkill 1235

Last, run the unload command again.