Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Solaris OS 9 x86 Patch Server

Before You Begin

At least one Solaris OS 9 update 7 or earlier distribution on the management server. For instructions on how to create an OS distribution, see To Copy an OS Distribution From CDs or a DVD in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide or To Copy an OS Distribution From ISO Files in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide

  1. Select an unused x86 managed server to become the x86 patch server.

    The following steps refer to the selected managed server as the x86 patch server.

  2. Install the Solaris x86 OS on the x86 patch server.

    If the OS distribution to be provisioned is Solaris x86 OS 9 update 7, then install Solaris x86 OS 9 update 7 on the x86 patch server.

    If the OS distribution is a version earlier than Solaris x86 OS 9 update 7, then install that version of the Solaris OS on the x86 patch server.

  3. Log in as root (su - root) to the x86 patch server.

  4. Create a /patch directory on the x86 patch server.

  5. Download and unzip the patches from to the /patch directory on the x86 patch server as follows:

    • For a Solaris OS 9 on x86 distribution, download and unzip the following patches into the /patch directory: 117172-17 and 117468-02.

    • For a Solaris OS 9 on SPARC distribution, download and unzip the following patches into the /patch directory: 117171-17, 117175-02, and 113318-20. .

Next Steps

Patch the Solaris x86 OS on the patch server as described in the next procedure.