Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide

ProcedureTo Patch the Solaris SPARC OS on the Patch Server

Before You Begin

Create the Solaris SPARC OS patch server as described in To Create a Solaris OS 9 SPARC Patch Server.

  1. Log in as root (su - root) on the patch server.

  2. Type reboot -- -s to reboot the Solaris 9 patch server to single-user mode.

  3. In single-user mode, change to the /patch directory.

  4. Install the Solaris SPARC OS patches.

    # patchadd -M . 117171-17
    # patchadd -M . 117175-02
    # patchadd -M . 113318–20

    Tip –

    Pressing Control+D returns you to multiuser mode.

Next Steps

Configure and restart NFS on the management server as described in the next procedure.