Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide

ProcedureTo Update the RIS Server After Upgrading to N1 System Manager 1.3.1

  1. Log in to the RIS server using an account with administrative privileges.

    Delete the C:\N1SM directory.

    If you specified a different file directory on the RIS server when running N1 System Manager 1.3 n1smconfig, delete that directory.

    The C:\N1SM will be recreated on the RIS server when you re-add the RIS server to N1 System Manager.

  2. Log in to the management server as root.

  3. Delete the RIS server from N1 System Manager as follows.

    1. Type n1smconfig.

      The current N1 System Manager configuration is displayed.

      Tip –

      Print the current configuration to use as reference in the following steps.

      You are notified that only options that can be changed will be displayed.

    2. Type y to continue.

      Respond to each prompt as appropriate for your network and N1 System Manager configuration.

    3. Type y when prompted Add, Delete, or Modify Windows RIS server? ([n]/y)

      The current RIS server configuration is displayed again, for example:

      Add, Delete, or Modify Windows RIS server? ([n]/y) y
      CURRENT RIS Servers:
      ID: 1
              Name: default
              OSP_Location: C:\\\\N1SM
              RIS_Share_Path: D:\\RemoteInstall
              Active_dir_user: n1smuser
              ssh_user: n1smuser
      Delete this RIS server? ([n]/y)
    4. Type y to delete the RIS server from N1 System Manager.

      Respond to the remaining prompts as appropriate for your network and N1 System Manager configuration.

  4. Add the RIS server to N1 System Manager as follows.

    1. Type n1smconfig.

      The current N1 System Manager configuration is displayed.

      You are notified that only options that can be changed will be displayed.

    2. Type y to continue.

      Respond to each prompt as appropriate for your network and N1 System Manager configuration.

    3. Type y when prompted Add, Delete, or Modify Windows RIS server? ([n]/y).

      Respond to each prompt, specifying the values that were displayed in Step 3 substep Step a.

      After RIS server configuration is completed, respond to the remaining prompts as appropriate for your network and N1 System Manager configuration.