Sun Update Connection - Enterprise Bare Metal Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Create a BMI Admin User Account

In this procedure you create a bmi_admin user accounts with full permissions over all jobs, hosts, groups, and components.

Any Sun Update Connection – Enterprise admin user can access the BMI server, but only the bmi_admin user can configure the BMI server.

  1. Start the console.

    $ uce_console

    The Login window appears.

  2. Log in as the admin user.

    The console initializes and the main window appears.

  3. Open the Users window.

    • From the tool bar, click the Users icon.

    • From the Tools menu, choose Users (Tools -> Users).

  4. Open the User Editor window:

    • From the tool bar of the Users window, click the New icon.

    • Right-click in a blank space in the Users window and choose New.

  5. Complete the User Editor fields for the new user.

    1. In the User Name field, type bmi_admin

    2. Type a password for the user and then verify it.

    3. Type a description of the account.

    4. Check the Grant Full Permissions checkbox.

    5. (Optional) If you want to receive Sun Update Connection – Enterprise notification emails, complete the Notifications section. Provide an email address and check the relevant Notify When options.

  6. Click OK.

    The User Editor window closes. The new user name, with full permissions, is added to the Users window.