Solaris System Management Agent Administration Guide

Starting and Stopping the System Management Agent

Start or stop the SMA by starting or stopping the snmpd daemon. Numerous options are available for starting or stopping the daemon, but several of these options override the snmpd.conf and snmp.conf files. The recommended way to start and stop the System Management Agent is to use the svcadm command as described in this section. Further information on the snmpd daemon can be found in the snmpd(1M) man page.

Note –

As a standard SNMP agent, the System Management Agent must run on port 161. If another process is running on port 161, the System Management Agent does not start.

ProcedureTo Start the System Management Agent

Once the svcadm command has launched the System Management Agent on your system, the snmpd daemon always starts at boot time during the Solaris system boot. If you are using other agents, you might want to prevent the snmpd daemon from starting at boot time, which initializes the System Management Agent. If you want to prevent the snmpd daemon from starting at boot time, see To Prevent The System Management Agent Initializing at Boot Time.

  1. As root, start the SMA service.

    # svcadm enable svc:/application/management/sma:default
  2. Check whether errors occurred in attempting to start the System Management Agent by examining the /var/log/snmpd.log file.

    If the log file reports that the port 161 is occupied, follow the procedure described in To Check Whether Another Process Is Running on the SMA Port.

ProcedureTo Restart the System Management Agent

To enable changes made to the main SMA configuration file, /etc/sma/snmp/snmpd.conf, a signal must be sent to the SMA daemon, snmpd. This signal reads the changes to snmpd.conf and restarts the System Management Agent.

  1. As root, restart the SMA service.

    # svcadm restart svc:/application/management/sma:default

    This method is the recommended way to restart the System Management Agent.

ProcedureTo Stop the System Management Agent

  1. As root, stop the SMA service.

    # svcadm disable svc:/application/management/sma:default