Solaris Trusted Extensions Installation and Configuration

Task Map: Preparing For and Installing Trusted Extensions

To securely install a Trusted Extensions system before configuring it, complete the tasks that are described in the following task map.


For Instructions 

Complete the preparation of your Solaris system. 

Task Map: Preparing a Solaris System for Trusted Extensions

Back up your system. 

For a Trusted Solaris 8 system, back up the system as described in the documentation for your release. A labeled backup can be restored to each identically labeled zone. 

For a Solaris system, see System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

Gather information and make decisions about your system and your Trusted Extensions network. 

Collecting Information and Making Decisions Before Installing Trusted Extensions

Install the Trusted Extensions software packages. 

Install the Solaris Trusted Extensions Packages

Configure the system. 

For a system with a monitor, see Task Map: Configuring Trusted Extensions.

For a headless system, see Headless System Configuration in Trusted Extensions (Task Map).

For a Sun RayTM, on the Sun documentation website see Sun Ray Server Software 4.0 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Solaris Operating System.

For a laptop, go to the OpenSolaris Community: Security web page. Click Trusted Extensions. On the Trusted Extensions page under Laptop Configurations, click Laptop instructions.

To prevent networks from communicating with the global zone, configure the vni0 interface. For an example, see the Laptop instructions.