Sun Open Telecommunications Platform 1.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Installing the Open Telecommunications Platform On A Standalone OTP Host

In a standalone OTP host, the single host is the first OTP host server for the cluster.

Graphical user interface installation and setup of the Open Telecommunications Platform on a standalone OTP host is comprised of the following procedures:

Note –

Refer to the OTP System Plan Settings Descriptions and the Standalone OTP Host Plan Worksheet for information needed during installation.

ProcedureTo Set Up the OTP High Availability Framework

The OTP high availability framework must be set up on the standalone OTP host.

Before You Begin
  1. Open a Web browser and log in to the external OTP installation server service provisioning service.

    Go to URL http://install server:9090 where install server is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the external OTP installation server.

  2. Click OEM OTP to display the Open Telecommunications Platform home page.

  3. Click Step 1. OTP High Availability Framework: Install and Configure

    The edit availability plan page appears.

    Figure 5–8 Edit Availability Plan Page

    Screen capture: Edit Availability Plan Page

  4. Click run.

    The Availability Plan Variables page appears.

    Figure 5–9 Availability Plan Variables Page

    Screen capture: Availability Plan Variables page

    Scroll the page down to view the variables:

    Figure 5–10 Availability Plan Variables Page: Variables

    Screen capture: Availability Plan Variables Page: Variables

    Type the information in the plan variables fields according to your Standalone OTP Host Plan Worksheet. Refer to the OTP System Plan Settings Descriptions for information about each variable.

    Caution – Caution –

    Set limit overall running time of plan and limit running time of native calls to 2 hours each.

  5. Click run plan (includes preflight).

    The page refreshes, and a progress bar is displayed during the provisioning process.

    The provisioning process:

    • Installs required Solaris OS patches

    • Installs the OTP high availability framework

    • Configures the standalone OTP host

    • Reboots the standalone OTP host

    • Verifies the OTP high availability framework configuration

Next Steps

Set up the system management and provisioning services on the standalone OTP host as described in the following procedure.

ProcedureTo Set Up OTP System Management and Provisioning Services

Before You Begin

The OTP high availability framework must be set up on the standalone OTP host as described in the previous procedure.

  1. Open a Web browser and log in to the external OTP installation server service provisioning service.

    Go to URL http://install server:9090 where install server is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the external OTP installation server.

  2. Click OEM OTP to display the Open Telecommunications Platform home page.

  3. Click Step 2. OTP System Management and Provisioning Service: Install and Configure.

    The edit System Management and Application Provisioning plan page appears.

  4. Click run.

    The Availability Plan Variables page appears. Scroll the page down to display the variables

    Figure 5–11 System Management and Application Provisioning Plan Variables Page

    Screen capture: Availability Plan Parameters page

    Type the information in the plan variables fields according to your Standalone OTP Host Plan Worksheet. Refer to the OTP System Plan Settings Descriptions for information about each variable.

    Caution – Caution –

    Set limit overall running time of plan and limit running time of native calls to 2 hours each.

  5. Click run plan (includes preflight).

    The page refreshes, and a progress bar is displayed during the provisioning process.

    The provisioning process:

    • Installs the Web console

    • Applies patches required by the Open Telecommunications Platform

    • Installs the system management service

    • Installs the service provisioning service

    • Installs Java patches

    When the provisioning process completes, click done.

Next Steps

Enable high availability on the standalone OTP host as described in the following procedure.

ProcedureTo Enable High Availability For the OTP Provisioning Service

Before You Begin

OTP System management and provisioning services must be set up on the standalone OTP host as described in the previous procedure.

  1. Open a Web browser and log in to the external OTP installation server service provisioning service.

    Go to URL http://install server:9090 where install server is either the IP address or the fully qualified name of the external OTP installation server.

  2. Click OEM OTP to display the Open Telecommunications Platform home page.

  3. Click Step 3. OTP High Availability for Provisioning Service: Enable .

    The edit High Availability plan page appears.

  4. Click run.

    The High Availability Plan Variables page appears. Scroll the page down to display the variables

    Figure 5–12 High Availability Plan Variables Page

    Screen capture: High Availability Plan Parameters page

    Type the information in the plan variables fields according to your Standalone OTP Host Plan Worksheet. Refer to the OTP System Plan Settings Descriptions for information about each variable.

    Caution – Caution –

    Set limit overall running time of plan and limit running time of native calls to 2 hours each.

  5. Click run plan (includes preflight).

    The page refreshes, and a progress bar is displayed during the provisioning process.

    The provisioning process installs and enables the application provisioning service high availability agent.

    When the provisioning process completes, click done.

  6. Log in as root to the standalone OTP host and restart the remote agent.

    Type /etc/init.d/n1spsagent restart to restart the remote agent. If the remote agent is not restarted, then the service provisioning service on the standalone OTP host will not work properly.

    This completes installation of the Open Telecommunications Platform on a standalone OTP host.