Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.2 Release Notes

OS Provisioning Issues

This section describes the known OS provisioning (deployment) issues.

Provisioning Solaris 10 6/06 on a Sun Fire X4200 M2 Server

Perform the following steps to modify the default OS profile to provision Solaris 10 6/06 on a Sun Fire X4200 M2 server. This example uses an OS profile named s10u2_x86.

N1-ok> remove osprofile s10u2_x86  partition /
N1-ok> remove osprofile s10u2_x86 partition swap
N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2_x86 partition swap type swap size 1024 device c3t2d0s1 sizeoption fixed
N1-ok> add osprofile s10u2_x86 partition / type ufs device c3t2d0s0 sizeoption free

Windows OS Deployment Fails if OS Profile Does Not Have the Product Key (6449265)

The deployment fails because the OS profile does not have the product key. However, attempting to add the product key to the OS profile fails with the message“OS profile is in use.”

Workaround: Wait until the job times out to add the product key to the OS profile.

Red Hat OS Deployment Using DHCP Option Does Not Assign an IP Address From the DHCP Range (6449051)

When Red Hat OS is deployed on a system using the DHCP option, the system does not get an IP address from the DHCP range.

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the management server.

  2. In the /opt/sun/scs/data/allstart/scripts/ file, change the Device entry to the appropriate interface needed to run DHCP.

    chown root.root $FILE
    chmod 644 $FILE
  3. Add the script to the server's OS profile.

#n1sh add osprofile osprofile-name script /opt/sun/scs/data/allstart/scripts/ type=post

Red Hat OS Deployment on a Sun Blade X8400 Server Fails if ACPI Is Enabled (6442992)

By default, the Sun Blade X8400 Server CMOS settings have ACPI enabled, which will cause Linux installation to go into interactive mode.

Workaround: Specify the additional kernel parameter to the load command.

N1-ok> load server servername osprofile profilename ... kernelparameter pci=nommconf

Specify this parameter each time you issue the load command.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3, 64 Bit OS Deployment on a Sun Blade X8400 Server Fails if nfs Option Is Specified (6438194)

If nfs is specified as the install protocol, OS deployment goes into interactive mode.

Workaround: Specify http as the install protocol.

Managed Server Does Not Reboot Completely After Red Hat OS Is Provisioned on a Sun Blade X8400 Server Through Expansion Module (6437482)

The managed server fails to reboot completely after Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0AS Update 3, 64–bit operating system is provisioned on an Sun Blade X8400 server through the expansion module. The blade might fail to boot if Kudzu is enabled. The operation stops with the message Checking for new hardware.

To disable Kudzu on a Sun Blade X8400 Server through a Linux OS Profile, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the management server as root.

  2. Create a shell script file containing the following lines.

    chkconfig kudzu off
  3. Save the file in a known location, for example, /scripts/

  4. Add the script to the post section of the OS profile from the N1 System Manager command line using the add osprofile command.

    For example, if your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Update 3 OS profile is named rhel4u3, you would then type:

    N1-ok> add osprofile rhel4u3 script /scripts/ type=post

    Ensure that you add the script to the correct OS profile.

  5. Redeploy the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Update 3 to the Sun Blade X8400 Server using the updated profile.

During Windows Deployment, Specifying Manual Netboot Does Not Create an Entry in the dhcpd.conf File (6432047)

Workaround: Deploy without specifying manual netboot.

Blank Error Messages Displayed for OS Deployments Due to Exceeding Job or Job Step Timeout Value (6405994)

When deploying an OS on a large number of managed servers, the OS deployments might fail due to the OS deployment jobs exceeding the job or job step timeout value. When this situation occurs, the job indicates the error but the error description is blank and the installation might have actually succeeded.

bash-3.00# n1sh show job 12
Job ID:   12
Date:     2006-03-29T01:06:53+0000
Type:     Load OS
Status:   Error (2006-03-29T03:07:00+0000)
Command:  load group sparc-srvrs osprofile sol-sparc networktype=static ip=
Owner:    root
Errors:   10
Warnings: 0

ID     Type             Start                      Completion                 Result
1      Acquire Host     2006-03-29T01:06:54+0000   2006-03-29T01:06:54+0000   Completed
2      Acquire Host     2006-03-29T01:06:54+0000   2006-03-29T01:06:54+0000   Completed
.       Servers 3 through 28
29     Acquire Host     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   Completed
30     Acquire Host     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   Completed
31     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 1
32     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 2
33     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 3
34     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 4
35     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 5
36     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:56+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 6
37     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 7
38     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 8
39     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 9
40     Execute Java     2006-03-29T01:06:57+0000   2006-03-29T03:06:58+0000   Error 10

Error 1:

Error 2:

.             Blank error messages 3 through 8 
Error 9:

Error 10:

Workaround: Increase the job timeout value using n1smconfig or try to reduce the reasons for exceeding the existing timeout value, for example, network latency problems. Also, some of the OS deployments might have succeeded. You can verify whether a server installed properly by viewing the OS Usage column in the All Servers page or by using the Serial Console to log in to the server.

Creating Windows OS Distribution Fails Due to Missing RIS Host Key (6392700)

The create os command will fail for Windows if the RIS server's host key does not exist in the management server's ./ssh/known_hosts file.

Workaround: Make sure the RIS server's host key exists in the management server's ./ssh/known_hosts file. Manually logging into the RIS server from the management server using the ssh command will automatically create a host key.

Provisioning IP Address is Not Assigned Properly When Deploying the Windows OS Using DHCP (6381141)

When you deploy a Windows OS with the networktype=dhcp attribute, the IP address assigned to the managed server after Windows is installed is the IP address specified by the bootip attribute. The IP address should be automatically assigned by the DHCP service.

Workaround: After the installation completes, reboot the managed server. The server's provisioning IP address will be correctly reassigned from the DHCP server.

Solaris 10 6/06 OS Deployment on a Sun Fire X4500 Server Requires a Profile (6379990)

Deploying Solaris 10 6/06 OS on a Sun Fire X4500 Server requires a special profile. You cannot choose any random disks. The system needs to be booted first either from the factory installed OS or from a CD-ROM to determine the server's correct boot disk.

To discover the correct boot disk, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Find the first bootable disk by typing

    #cfgadm | grep sata3/0

    You should see a message similar to the following example.


    Where X and Y are numbers, for example, c4t0d0.

  3. To find the second bootable drive, perform either of the following actions:

    Increment 0 by 4. For example, if the first drive is c4t0d0, then the second drive is c4t4d0.

    Or type the command: #cfgadm | grep sata3/4

    You should see a message similar to the following example.


    Where N is a number, for example, c4t1d0.

  4. Proceed through the install using the information in Step 2 and Step 3 and apply it to the server's OS profile.

OS Profile for Windows Does Not Have Default Values for Time Zone and Language Attributes (6374740)

Workaround: No workaround exists.

OS Deployments Fail on Newer Sun Fire V20z Servers When Specifying bge1 Device Path for bootpath Attribute (6346563)

As documented in the N1System Manager product documentation, the bge1 device path for Sun Fire V20z servers is /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@3. However, when specifying the bge1 device path for the bootpath attribute, the OS deployments will fail on newer Sun Fire V20z servers because the bge1 device path has changed.

Workaround: On newer Sun Fire V20z servers, use the following bge1 device path for the bootpath attribute: /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@2,1

Setting Baud Rate for the BIOS Console Makes OS Deployment Fail on Sun Fire V20z and V40z Servers (6322295)

The baud rate for the BIOS console must be set to 9600 (default) or OS deployment to a Sun Fire V20z or V40z server will fail. Therefore, you should not change the consolebaudrate value in the load server command or the Load OS wizard in the browser interface.

Note –

If the SP console baud rate is set to something other than 9600, the OS deployment will succeed but the console through the connect server command will display garbage characters.

Workaround: You must change the baud rate for the BIOS console manually after an OS deployment. Reboot the target server and enter the BIOS setup screen during the boot sequence. Consult the server's user manual to see how to change its BIOS settings.

OS Profile Installation Fails on a Server Which Has Grid Engine Application (6406020)

When the user tries to load a OS profile on a server that is running the Grid Engine application, the operation fails with the message “Operation failed.”

Workaround: Unload the Grid Engine application from the target server.